For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Transit of Saturn Vis-a-Vis Effects of Saturn's Mahadasha

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotshaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Saturn shall transit Leo for the month of Nov 2007. Leo is the sign owned and ruled by the Sun. Though Saturn is the son of Sun but astrologically they have come to stay as enemies. Hence, the period of Saturn transiting Leo cannot be good in any manner - of course subject to the strength of other planets including that of Jupiter- which changes the position on 22.11.2007 i.e. by entering into Sagittarius.

Saturn is at 2.31 degrees in Leo and would transit only few degrees till end of this month i.e. upto 14.15 degrees in Leo. In other words, Saturn shall transit 4th 'charan' of Magha (ruled by Ketu) and 1st 'charan' of Poorvaphalguni ruled by Venus. Saturn is already in the grip of Rahu and Ketu. In view of malefic influence of Saturn and associates, maelfic results shall be reaped by all unless personal horoscope is improved. Saturn shall aspect Sun upto 17-11-07.

Briefly, it is stated that natives shall have to work very hard, at times may become obstinate but sincere to the prestige of boss. Good income from vehicles, land and buildings indicated.

Children may suffer from physical ailments including retarded or "defective brain”. Some of them may suffer from paralysis or fainting fits. Hence the need to have medical help. Now in brief about Saturn’s Mahadasha.

More information about Saturn - Propitiation of Saturn

Saturn posted in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the major dasa lord Mercury or the Janrna lagna, or Saturn being combust, retrograde, debilitated or afflicted by malefics, Saturn as the 2nd or 7th lord, Saturn as the lord of the 3rd, 5th or 7th star (from Janma Nakshatra) or the 22nd Drekkana needs to be propitiated.

Worship Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

Recite "Om Nama Narayanaya" and "Om Namah Shivaya" 108 times daily.

Feed crows, birds, fish, dogs, and beggars on Saturdays. Help the poor, sick and handicapped persons.

Natives born in Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini and Virgo Signs and also natives born in Pushya, Anuradha and U.Bhadra may wear Turquoise. Natives born in other six Signs may wear Red Coral subject to their personal Horoscopes and placement of Mars.


Saturn in:
Aries - The worst period in a man’s career, unexpected losses, disappointments in every undertaking, misunderstandings among relatives and friends and increase in number of enemies.

Taurus - Success and gains in agricultural operations, much prosperity to the cattle and other domestic animals, great income, and access to things desired.

Gemini - Recognition of his service, great humanitarian work, profits in speculations and trade, respect from rulers, political success, reputation, fame and much general happiness.

Cancer - Miseries and calamities, family strife, increase of enemies, trouble from relatives and physical diseases and mental affliction.

Leo - A period of uneasiness, distrust, disappointments and unrest, misappropriation of money and consequent prosecution if Saturn afflicted powerfully, hatred by all and courting death as a source of relief from mental worries.

Virgo - Elevation to exalted positions, royal favour, business success and establishment of fame and reputation.

Libra - Traveling in countries inhabited by Christians and Muslims, establishment of fresh branches if proprietor of a business concern, acceptance of invitations for public lectures and great honour and respect throughout the long period of 19 years and perfect domestic happiness.

Scorpio - Odium of superiors, disliked and hated by all, loss of prestige, self-respect and fame and destruction and damage to property and possessions.

Sagittarius - Inclination to study philosophical and religious treatises and success in such studies, auspicious occasions like marriage ceremonies etc., at home and happiness and mental peace throughout

Capricorn - Increase in lands, gains in wealth and business, friendship with great and illustrious persons.

Aquarius - Great traveling in Western countries, success in litigation, mental happiness and acquisition of wealth.

Pisces - Pilgrimage to sacred shrines and holy places, indifference towards sectarian restrifctions and observances, sorrows, misery and unrest.

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