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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

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Short life span! A predictive method of longevity!

1. The examination of the longevity of the baby born is the first thing done by elders and astrologers is, if the native is going to live in a fairly good time, it would be worthwhile for the astrologer to predict about other aspects.

2. There are several views regarding the exact time of the birth of the baby; that it is the time of conception; it is the time when the head emerges from the womb; it is the time when it touches the ground; while others affirm that it is the time when it is completely separated from the mother's womb.

3. Till the child attains the age of 12, it is not possible to determine the native's longevity. There is the possibility of the child losing life due to the sins of the parents or due to other astrological factors.

4. Some important factors about longevity were discussed in earlier issue but the throw more light, some more astrological versions are given. You are welcome to mail your views.

Short, Medium & Long Life Factors for Determining

1. Whether a person is to have long, medium, or short life can be determined by taking the following facts and their relationships in terms of the movable, fixed and common signs; (Rasis) the lords of the Ascendant and the Moon-Chart, and the lord of the Ascendant as also the lord of the 8th house; Similarly, by taking the pairs of the drekkaana and dwadasaamsa of the Ascendant and their relationships. If the Ascendant (Lagna) and the Moon are movable, the native will have a long life.

2. If the Ascendant and the Moon Raasis are movable signs and the lords of the Ascendant and the Moon are movable the native will have Long Life.

3. If the Ascendant and the Moon are movable signs and their lords are fixed signs the native will have Medium life.

4. If the Ascendant and Moon are movable and their lords are common the native will have Short life.

5. If the Ascendant and the Moon are fixed and their lords are common the native will have Long life.

6. If the Ascendant and the Moon are fixed and their lords are movable, the native will have medium life.

7. If the Ascendant and the Moon are fixed and their lord is fixed, the native will have a short life.

8. If the Ascendant and the Moon are common and their lords are fixed, the native will have Long life.

9. If the Ascendant and the Moon are common and their lords are common, the native will have Medium life.

10. If the Ascendant and the Moon are common and their lords are movable, the native will have Short life. Similarly, if the Ascendant is movable and the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house are movable, the native will have Long life.

11. If the Ascendant is movable and the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house are fixed, the native will have Medium life.

12. If the Ascendant is movable and the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house are common, the native will have Short life.

13. If the Ascendant is fixed and the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house are common, the native will have Long Life.

14. If the Ascendant is fixed and the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house are movable, the native will have Medium life.

15. If the Ascendant is fixed and the lords of the Ascendant and the 8th house are fixed, the native will have Short life.

16. If the Ascendant is common and lords of Ascendant and the 8th house are fixed, the native will have Long life.

17. If the Ascendant is common and the lords of Ascendant and the 8th house are common, the native will have Medium life.

18. If the Ascendant is common and the lords Ascendant and the 8th house are movable, the native will have Short life.

19.(i) If the lord of the Lagna and the benefices are posited in Kendras (1,4,7 and 10), the person will have a long life; if in Panphara (2,5,8 and 11) medium life, and if in Aapoklima (3,6,9 and 12) short life.

(ii) The above prediction is to be reversed if the lord of the 8th house and malefic occupy similar positions; that is, if in Kendras short life, in Panaphara medium life, and in Aapoklima long life.

20. If the lord of the house occupied by the Moon and that of the 8th house from the Moon is friendly, the person will have long life, if the two are neutral, medium life and if they are inimical short life.

21. If the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the 8th house being friendly, the person will have long-life, being neutral medium life, and being inimical short-life. Again if the Sun and lord of Ascendant are friendly, the person will have long-life, if neutral, medium life, and if inimical short-life.

22. If the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the house occupied by the Moon and the lord of the rising Navaamsa and the lord of the Moon's Navaamsa are stronger than the lords of the 8th house reckoned from each, the person will have a long-life. If otherwise the reverse will be the result. That is, if the lords of the Ascendant and the Raasi occupied by the Moon and the lords of the rising Navaamsa and of the Moon's Navaamsa are weaker than the respective lords of the 8th house, the person will be short lived.

23. If the lord of the 8th house wielding greater power than the lord of the Ascendant and occupying a Kendra, and if malefic were posited in the 8th house and 12th house, the life of the person will be short or middling. He may have a full life with vicissitudes of poverty and happiness. (Another explanation given is that he may protract his life by medical treatment and propitiatory ceremonies.)

24. Death will take place for the short-lived man in the first Parivritti (cycle), for the middle-aged man in the second Parivritti, and for the long-lived man in the third Parivritti of Saturn. Parivritti means the time when Saturn reaches during his transit the particular portion of the zodiac signified by the sum total of the figures (representing the position at time of birth) of Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon. The event has to be predicted after also satisfying that the dasaa and bhukti at the time are untoward.

25. If the lord of the Ascendant in his transit is associated with a malefic and is eclipsed, debilitated or posited in an inimical sign, or happens to occupy one of the evil signs, namely 6,8 or 12 death to the person can be predicted. The same event will happen when the lords of the rising Navaamsa, drekkaana, Lagna, or the Raasi occupied by the Moon are in a similar position.

26. If the lord of the Ascendant, the Moon and the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon possess many points of strength and are aspected by benefices, the native will be very fortunate and happy, say the wise.

27. If the lord of the Ascendant is possessed of great strength, aspected by benefics and occupies a Kendra position, the native wards off death and lives long, prosperous and graced with many virtues.

28. If Jupiter endowed with great strength i.e. with his powerful rays is posited in the Ascendant he can ward off all evils, even as a prostration to Lord Vishnu with full devotion clears all sins.

29. If the waxing Moon is posited in 5, 9 or 11 or a Kendra position with regard to the Ascendant, and in the Navaamsa of the Sun, the Moon or Jupiter, the native will be happy and blessed cleared of all evils.

30. If in a case there are no malafics in Kendra (4,7,10) and in trine (5,9) and if the lord of Ascendant and Jupiter occupy Kendra positions, the native will perform good acts, enjoy all comforts and live for 100 years without any disease.

Dr. A. Shanker

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