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Will My Wouldbe Wife Ugly or Attractive, Know Astrologically!

Color, Facial beauty, complexion, features, eyes, appearance, attractive feature irrespective of the color are among the few factors to be taken the few factors to be taken into account for selection of spouse. Be that as it may, some persons run after beauty while others run after quality i.e. intelligence, career, qualifications etc. 

Astrology has not lagged behind in giving you hints about the color of you spouse. We have various combinations with reference to planets in the 7th house (House of Marriage) and in this small write- up, we shall be mentioning only few of the combinations to tell you about the color of your spouse. These may not be the truth. There are many more principles bit in view of limited space, only few of these principles shall be mentioned here:-

The Sum in 7th house of Aries or Leo - Whitish color but fortunate.

The Sun in 7th house of Taurus of Lorna - Blackish, passionate/ sexy but indicates an “unhappy” married life.

The Sun in 7th house of Cancer - Indicates two marriages but this principle needs to be tested with reference to various horoscopes.

The Sun in 7th house of Capricorn or Aquarius - Ready to be angry, irritant and of ill health.

The Sun in 7th house of Sagittarius or Pisces - Beautiful, educated and fortunate.

The Sun in 7th house of Gemini or Virgo - Normal and happy married life.

The Moon in the 7th house of Taurus or Libra - Very beautiful, delicate and fortunate.

The Moon in 7th house of Gemini or Virgo - Angry, talkative but interested in writing, including poetry etc.

The Moon in 7th house of Leo - Wife may become enemy of husband and ready to fight.

The Moon in 7th house of Capricorn or Aquarius - The wife may be of whitish color, obstinate but still serves her husband.

The Moon in 7th house of Sagittarius or Pisces - Wife may get worried on account of immoral activities of husband,. Even with this, fortune would dawn on the native after marriage.

Mars in 7th house of Aries or Scorpio - Delay in marriage or on marriage.

Mars in 7th house of Taurus or Libra - Angry and sickly wife. Unhappy married life.

Mars in 7th house of Gemini, Virgo or Cancer- The native gets in “Love marriage” but remains unhappy.

Mars in 7th house of Leo, Capricorn or Aquarius- Fatty but co- operative wife. Fortune dawns after marriage.

Mars in 7th house of Sagittarius or Pisces- The native has connection with many opposite sex, develops enmity.

Mercury – in 7th house of Gemini or Virgo- Likely to marry a known girl or a girl of a known family – happy married life.

Mercury in 7th house of Aries or Scorpio- spouse remains angry but co-operative- normal married life.

Mercury in 7th house of Sagittarius or Pisces - High level of married life- progress after marriage.

Mercury in 7th house of Taurus of Libra - Luxurious wife- unhappy married life.

Mercury in 7th house of Capricorn or Aquarius - Native will have foreign business connection on account of his wife- happy married life.

Mercury in 7th house of Cancer- ill health of wife- unhappy married life.
Mercury in 7th house of Leo- Smiling connatural of wife and smart, fortune but talkative.

Jupiter in 7th house of Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces- beautiful, fortunate but fatty.
Jupiter in 7th house of Capricorn or Aquarius- Happy married life with literary bent of mind.

Jupiter in 7th house of Aries or Scorpio- Unsuccessful married life.

Jupiter in 7th house of Gemini or Virgo- Less education for the native- marriage according to Vedas.

Jupiter in 7th house of Taurus or Libra- Ego of the Spouse on account “riches”- unhappy married life.

Jupiter in 7th house of Leo- Wife may prove “inauspicious” for father.

Venus in 7th house of Taurus or Libra- Wife “sanvali” but obstinate on her point of view. Fortunate for native.

Venus in 7th house of Aries or Scorpio- Egoistic and of fighting nature. Bad in spoken words.

Venus in 7th houses of Gemini or Virgo- Love each other and happy married life.

Venus in 7th house of Capricorn or Aquarius - Acquisition of comforts including vehicles with fortune wife but married life not completely happy.

Venus in 7th house of Cancer- spouse serves parents - in – law and devoted to the house.

Venus in 7th house of Leo - Love marriage i.e. native having connection with spouse earlier to marriage.

Saturn in 7th house of Libra, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus, Sagittarius or Pisces- Unhappy married Life, delayed marriage, break in promise of marriage- once, twice or thrice.

Saturn in 7th house of Capricorn or Aquarius- “Sanvali” but attractive and fortunate.

Saturn in 7th house of Gemini or Virgo- Comfortable life and wife is co-operative.

Saturn in 7th house of Cancer- Wife is devoted to social service and/ or politics.

Rahu in 7th house in any sign- Native has weak body and remains “worried”. But after marriage, starts some business and has comfortable life.

Ketu in 7th house in any sign- Danger to Spouse from “fore”. May have stomach and skin trouble. Difficulty in producing children.

Shanker Adawal
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