For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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What is Kaalsarp Yoga?

In Karmic Astrology, it has been found that Rahu is kala or earth-life while Ketu is the Sarpa or Serpent. In Indian Astrology too Ketu is also considered as serpent. Rahu is afraid of Ketu. The symbol of serpents is basic in Indian Occult Literature. On the basis of this symbolism, the importance of Kaalsarp Yoga in Hindu Astrology could be understood.
 Astrologically it becomes an indication of great importance attached to Kaalsarp yoga, as this yoga has the reference to encirclement of all the planets by these two nodes (Rahu and Ketu) i.e., when all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the Moon’s north node and the Moon’s south node Kaalsarp Yoga is formed. Complete Kaalsarp yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the Rahu-Ketu axis there is no Kaalsarp Yoga. (Before you do any remedies for the Kaalsarp Yoga make sure that all planets are between Rahu and Ketu.) Even if there is one planet outside the Rahu-Ketu axis, the Kaalsarp Yoga does not exist. When we talk of Kaalsarp yoga the reader is advised not to confuse this with Naga Dosha or Karaka Dosha.

Problems with Kaalsarp Yoga

The Kaalsarp yoga, leads sometimes to unbearable strains and tensions, delaying success or making success look insignificant in relation to efforts made to achieve it. This yoga is also found to be associated with frustrations and losses although efforts are made in pursuit of food. This yoga perhaps selects the pure and simple, honest and truthful and loyal and hard-working souls as its victims. Such individuals suffer indignities of outrageous fortune despite their purest ray quality and character.

Types of Kaalsarp Yoga

1. Anant Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu is in the 1st House and Ketu in the 7th house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis is the Anant Kaalsarp Yoga or Vipareeta Kaalsarp Yoga (opposite Kaalsarp Yoga). Though this yoga has the power to give windfall gains to the native, it is bad for marital life. Generally natives with this yoga get married late in life.

2. Kulik Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 2nd house and Ketu the 8th house Kulik Kaalsarp Yoga arises. This combination is bad for health. The probability of losses and accidents is high with natives of this combination. It is bad for financial prosperity too. The native is worried on account of an insecure financial standing.

3. Vasuki Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 3rd house and Ketu the 9th house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yoga is born. The native is burdened with problems relating to job and business.

4. Shankpal Kaalsarp Yoga: - When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yoga is formed. The native gets trouble relating to work sphere and has to go through stress and anxiety. Sometimes the native has an illegitimate child or can be an illegitimate child. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains.

5. Padam Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 5th house and Ketu the 11th house this Yoga is formed. The native is worried on account of children. There is difficulty in getting a progeny. If the Moon is also afflicted then there is the possibility of being troubled by spirits. In this case if a native falls ill the recovery time is slow. There are also chances of being let down by friends in this case.

6. Mahapadam Kaalsarp Yoga:- This yoga is formed when Rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the 12th house. The native has many enemies and has problems on account of diseases. However if this yoga acts beneficially it has the power to confer power and political success.

7. Takshak Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu is in the 7th house and Ketu in the 1st house this yoga is formed. The native has got speculative tendencies and can lose wealth by way of wine, women and gambling. There is marital discord in the life of the native.

8. Karkotak Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 8th house and Ketu the 2nd house this yoga is formed. The native is short tempered and has many enemies. Su9ch a native has friendship with the anti social elements. The native does not get paternal wealth.

9. Shankachood Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 9th house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yoga operates. Natives who have this yoga in the chart have many ups and down in life. They have a habit of speaking lies. They are also short tempered.

10. Ghatak Kaalsarp Yoga:- This yoga arises when Rahu is in 10th house and Ketu in the 4th house. Litigation problems are common is this case. The person is likely to be punished by law or by the Government. However if this yoga operates in a beneficial manner then it has the power to confer the highest form of political power, special in Virgo and Leo ascendant.

11. Vishdhar Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 11th house and Ketu the 5th house the yoga which arises is the Vishdhar Kaalsarp Yoga. The native travels frequently and is never fixed at on place. Problems also arise from children. However these natives get some peace in the latter half of their life.

12. Sheshnag Kaalsarp Yoga:- When Rahu occupies the 12th house and Ketu the 6th house the native has problems relating to litigation. There may be enemies and health problems.

Here we would like to say that like so many other subjects in Astrology, even this subject is not free from controversies. Different scholars have given different versions as to the formation of this Kaalsarp yoga. While considering the Kaalsarp yoga, according to us, following things may be kept in the mind.

1. The planets should be hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu and not in between Ketu and Rahu.

2. From the ascendant, Rahu must be in the first six houses and Ketu in the remaining houses.

3. Kaalsarp yoga is saved, if at least one planet is outside the Rahu/Ketu axis.

4. There is no Kaalsarp yoga if there is any planet with Rahu or Ketu though it may be between Rahu and Ketu axis. For example, if Rahu is 15o Libra and Moon is 28 o Sagittarius and Saturn is 11 o Sagittarius, there is no yoga present.


There are lot of remedies for Kaalsarp yoga but this book deals only with yantra we would deal only with the yantra part. After energizing the yantra the devotee should start his pooja on panchmi tithi (fifth day of any paksh of Hindu calendar) or Amaavasaya or Saturday. The most auspicious day considered for Kaalsarp yantra pooja is panchmi of shukla paksha in sharavan month. The Mantra for recital is Mahamritunjaya (please refer Shiva yantra) for hundred and twenty five thousand times and after that the nav nag pooja is done. The yantra which is also know as nagpash yantra is worshipped for kaalsarp dosha daily.

Nag Gayatri Mantra
Om navkullaya vidhmahe Vishdantaaye dhimahee tanno sarpa parchodayat||

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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