For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Know About Zodiac Signs: Scorpio (Virischik), Chapter 8, Part – 37

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Saturn transits the second house, it also aspects the fourth, eighth, and eleventh houses. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, Your desire to control and limit will, to a certain extent, be freed, scope will be widened in the mode of this free-ranging sign. Freedom of thought and action will be achieved through long study, through application and determination. Gravity and dignity will increase with age. Here Saturn heightens concentration and encourages the desire to study, so the intellectual potential is fully developed. Or (If afflicted), The freedom of mind and action stultified, resulting in resentment.

You may suffer domestic troubles, difficulties in school, and meager earnings. You may also have problems with the right eye. You will have restriction or tediousness with homes, cars, comforts, happiness, mother, and educational degrees. Further monetary losses, or little profit, from joint partnerships and insurance companies, and potential problems with the reproductive system are indicated. Occult studies are not much favoured at this time. You face restricted financial success from side ventures. You may not fare well with your friends and acquaintances, and you have a very difficult time fulfilling important long-term goals and desirers. Saturn when Well Aspected, - You will get some opportunity to make money where there is responsibility; more substantial and permanent basis. Observe economy and prudence in money matters. If Afflicted – Your income will be restricted in some way; perhaps shut it off altogether, and also cause financial losses and difficulties.

There is a possibility of obtaining land or moving to a new home or apartment. It also indicates benefits and luck with the mother. Educational degrees are favoured, and you may get jewellery, ornaments, and other comforts. You may get a new car, plane, or boat. You will not be bothered by enemies or competitor,s and your health is good. You will enjoys your daily work and gets along well with your bosses and co-workers. You may get money from partners, wills, legacies, and other unearned means. The person visits astrologers, palm readers, and psychics. Or, you may engage in your own astrological or occult studies. You get bargains and incur neither unexpected debts nor expenses. Finally, you will enjoy sexual pleasures and sleeps on luxurious beds. Jupiter when Well Aspected, - This not infrequently will bring triumph over one’s enemies or those who have been, in some way, working indirectly against the native. If Afflicted  - There will be a bad ending to matters after the native had expected everything to be favourable. The motto “Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed” is the best for those who have an afflicted Jupiter passing through this house. But when there are no afflictions, really big things may come unsought and unasked, and also unlooked for.

Rahu in the ninth house indicates cravings for religion and higher knowledge and great power after the age of forty-one. However there may also be difficulties with the father and religious or spiritual teachers. Money, possessions and material comforts are of little consideration. You should seek to increase your generosity and charitable nature. Travel is a source of evolution and you may wish to engage in foreign affairs. You may take fun and recreation seriously and enjoy speculations when you feel the impulse. You may pay little attention to relationships with siblings and relatives. Due to bad and wicked minded friends you will invite miseries and gets into trouble. There will be heavy loss of money. Your mind will indulge in sinful acts only. You may resort to practice the discipline and code of religion other than your own. Your mind will not engage in good and righteous deeds. This will be bad time for brothers, father and mother. You may practice black magic. The Ketu in the third house means that you will be strong-willed, exciting and adventurous and good at fulfilling his desires. It also signifies a spiritual introspective or introverted younger sibling.


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