For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Know About Zodiac Signs: Scorpio (Virischik), Chapter 8, Part - 23

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Saturn transits the eleventh, it also aspects the first, fifth, and eighth houses. While Saturn is in Virgo, Your desire to limit and control, and the feeling of the need for this, will be expressed as painstaking care of detail in every way resulting in tidy, neat, punctilious ways. Here Saturn encourages caution, an element of patience, with considerable prudence and modesty. Or (If afflicted), This can result in over-dogmatic forcing onto others a rigid planning of all detail.

You will face lack of promotion, advancement, or favouritism, as well as potential minor health problems. Better be careful, it is a poor time for investments, a serious or somber mind, and problems with children or an inability to get pregnant. You may face obstacles involving joint finances, is a less favourable time for occult studies, and causes vulnerability of the reproductive system. You have difficulties with friends, groups, and one’s eldest sibling. Side ventures bring little profit, and one’s major goals and desires are delayed and obstructed. You will gains clear vision of your most intimate and important life goals; you may focus on your relationships with others. This is the perfect time to do so because friends and groups exist largely as a support system for one’s values, interests, and desires. Friends and groups vanish when they are no longer helpful to one’s purpose. Saturn when Well Aspected, - This brings the more serious type of friends-those who are older and have a greater sense of responsibility. They may help the native to look upon life with greater seriousness, and to become more responsible. If Afflicted – This will bring difficulties and sorrow through friends, and some ill feeling, coldness or misunderstanding that will take some time to clear up. It could also bring deceit, and the  chastening influence of those who might have, or think they have, some authority over the native.

Saturn transits the twelfth, it also aspects the second, sixth, and ninth houses. While Saturn is in Libra (Exaltation), Your desire to control and need for patience is expressed in balanced reasonable ways and necessity comes to be accepted as experience. You will have a natural sense of justice, and an above average sympathy and understanding of other people. You display kindness and practical commonsense, tact and diplomacy when giving a advice to others. Or (If afflicted), The lack of reciprocity from others brings depression and loneliness and an inability to realize this as springing from within the self.

You will face restriction in the practical matters of wealth and daily work. There may also be hardships involving health, education, servants, employers, or employees. You may have difficulty in gaining higher knowledge, problems with gurus or religious teachers, and restricted luck in general. There are problems with the left eye and large unexpected debts and expenses, or both. It also means problems or frustrations in activities involving remote foreign countries. It could bring sexual dysfunction or lack of sexual pleasure. This is the optimum time for clearing up psychological problems and all kinds of deep emotional obsessions, complexes, or phobias dating from childhood. Mystical, spiritual, and occult studies are favoured at this time, and much progress can be made in these areas. You may find yourselves wishing to do healing work or service-oriented endeavours. Saturn when Well Aspected, - This frequently brings a period of turning back and reviewing life and conditions generally. A checking up, as it were, consideration of making one’s will, and putting one’s house in order. Everything will take on a more serious aspect and the mind will be more reflective and poised. If Afflicted – Sad experiences will come to you, while Saturn is in this house, such as confinement either through illness, misunderstanding or misbehavior. Sometime it is solitary confinement, either by being shut off in a lonesome part of the country, or by deceit and treachery, or it may be merely a mental condition which brings loneliness to the soul. To those so inclined there will be melancholia, insomnia, dyspepsia and all sorts of ailments due to nervous depression.

Rahu in the second house and the Ketu in the eighth house are the most troublesome node placements. The reason is that the second house, in the ancient predictive system, is considered family life; either node there causes serious harm and suffering. Many diseases of indigestion will ruin the health. There will be confusion and quarrel in the family. Foul plays will be set up to put down the native. There may be scandal due to a widow also. This will be bad time for wife and children. Happiness in general is much disturbed, and there may be marital strife and discord. When well aspected relations with persons of good standing and position will improve and be helpful for gain. You will be fearless, but face danger from weapon, influenced by mean persons. Ketu in the eighth house is good for intuition and psychic ability. Loss and careful handling or legacies, other’s money and insurance etc., is required. Gain through possessions of dead and that of their property. One will have an extreme interest in sexual matters outside the family and will not care for the satisfaction of his wife. You may suffer from secret diseases.

Rahu in the first house and the Ketu in the seventh indicate beautiful and powerful appearance, serious ups and downs in married life, and a strange, eccentric or highly spiritual spouse. Your greatest growth evolution and fulfillment will come through developing your own personality and personal power. You must follow your instincts and impulses and learn to care for your own destiny. You must not allow yourself to be dominated manipulated or overshadowed by the feelings and wishes of others. You should beware of compromising too quickly and easily. There will be unsolved difficulties and problems. There will be losses, many diseases may occur that too of undiagnosed in nature, fitting to the shadow plank Rahu but since the cases of the sickness will not be deciphered, no treatment may be possible and this aspect will become a matter of serious mental worry. You may suffer black magic since Rahu is karak for it. The period will also be bad for parents.


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