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Know About Zodiac Signs: Scorpio (Virischik), Chapter 8, Part – 29

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Saturn transits the twelfth, it also aspects the second, sixth, and ninth houses. While Saturn is in Libra (Exaltation), Your desire to control and need for patience is expressed in balanced reasonable ways and necessity comes to be accepted as experience. You will have a natural sense of justice, and an above average sympathy and understanding of other people. You display kindness and practical commonsense, tact and diplomacy when giving a advice to others. Or (If afflicted), The lack of reciprocity from others brings depression and loneliness and an inability to realize this as springing from within the self.

You will face restriction in the practical matters of wealth and daily work. There may also be hardships involving health, education, servants, employers, or employees. You may have difficulty in gaining higher knowledge, problems with gurus or religious teachers, and restricted luck in general. There are problems with the left eye and large unexpected debts and expenses, or both. It also means problems or frustrations in activities involving remote foreign countries. It could bring sexual dysfunction or lack of sexual pleasure. This is the optimum time for clearing up psychological problems and all kinds of deep emotional obsessions, complexes, or phobias dating from childhood. Mystical, spiritual, and occult studies are favoured at this time, and much progress can be made in these areas. You may find yourselves wishing to do healing work or service-oriented endeavours. Saturn when Well Aspected, - This frequently brings a period of turning back and reviewing life and conditions generally. A checking up, as it were, consideration of making one’s will, and putting one’s house in order. Everything will take on a more serious aspect and the mind well be more reflective and poised. If Afflicted – Sad experiences will come to you, while Saturn is in this house, such as confinement either through illness, misunderstanding or misbehavior. Sometimes it is solitary confinement, either by being shut off in a lonesome part of the country, or by deceit and treachery, or it may be merely a mental condition which brings loneliness to the soul. To those so inclined there will be melancholia, insomnia, dyspepsia and all sorts of ailments due to nervous depression.

Saturn’s transit of the first house it also aspects the third, seventh, and tenth houses. While Saturn is in Scorpio, Caution and limitation are expressed as strong reserve and in secrecy. Your deepest emotions are very one-pointed. You will have tremendous sense of purpose and determination, and your emotional energy will be generally spent on attaining objectives. Or (If afflicted), The expressions are as your jealousy. Emotional outlets desired.

You will receive no favours from others and may suffer from lack of confidence. It is a time of little luck, abundance, or fortune. There is little chance of advancement in worldly matters also restriction in fulfilling daily desires, difficulties with siblings, and low vitality. You will have restricted opportunities for new love relationships and obstacles or strife in married life. During these approximately two-and-a-half years, your head is susceptible to injury or affliction too. Saturn, when Well Aspected – Will tend to steady and mind and slow up all operations; to bring new responsibilities, or a keener sense of responsibility, and an increase                   e and caution. He will often reduce weight and flesh and also cause some sickness or disability, even when well aspected. Saturn, If Afflicted – You may suffer ill health (all planets in bad aspect to the ascendant will tend to bring about ill health, and this planet more than any), depression, taciturnity, delays, annoyances and setbacks.

Rahu in the twelfth house indicates cravings for spiritual growth and “moksha” – final liberation. There may also be intense sexual enjoyment. You may be affected by some kind of peculiar disease, which will be undiagnosed and be a question mark to the doctors. Your legs or one leg gets fractured. You will loose courage and confidence. You will start his work in some way and will finish it quite against the planned pattern and may result in failure. The Ketu in the sixth house reveals very strong health, excellent ability to defeat enemies and competitors and daily work involving metaphysical healing techniques.

Rahu in the eleventh house indicates great ability to fulfill major goals and desires. You will earn plenty of wealth from “side ventures,” and has powerful, influential, and worldly friends. The native will command respect and honour in the society. Your greatest growth, evolution, and fulfillment will come through performing altruistic acts for Society, getting involved with groups and friends, and developing a sense of detachment. Timely good food with sweet meat etc. will be available. Wife will be cured of her ill health. Her look will have a new glow and attraction. Children’s health also be cured and will be cheerful. New jewels will be added. You develop faith and spiritual devotion and gets providential help. Other’s money also will come to you. You may get income from foreign through sea voyage and through water ways of rivers in business. The Ketu in the fifth house connects to spirituality and psychic experience. In other words if you are interested in enlightenment and evolutionary growth, then in this life you can now gains the benefits. Ketu in the fifth does not help in birth of children. But those that are born will be introspective, psychic, contemplative, and decidedly spiritual better do not plan now.


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