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Know About Zodiac Signs: Libra (Tula), Chapter 7, Part - 44

Dr. Shanker Adawal

There will be tedious experiences with pregnancy, children, and investments. You will have restricted luck and travel, difficulties with religious or spiritual teachers, and hardship in gaining any higher knowledge. You may incur many debts and expenses, misfortune with remote foreign countries, and strong discipline to pursue “moksha” (enlightenment or final liberation). You have difficulty in accomplishing simple goals and minor tasks. Though you work diligently but feel, as if are you spinning your wheels. You are, in fact, learning how to make the most efficient use of your energy, as minor obstacles interfere with your intentions for two-and-a-half years. Saturn when Well Aspected, - This position will steady your mind and give a greater attention to detail and to duty. Old incidents and letters will be referred to and there may be meetings with member of the family not seen for a long time, or those who are much older. If Afflicted – This will bring a tendency to depression and sadness, disappointments through travel, or relatives, and in the occupation. Also delays in any planned journey or many difficulties in connection therewith.

Saturn’s transit the fourth house, it also aspects the sixth, tenth, and first houses. While Saturn is in Capricorn, Your expression of self is in carefulness, practical ability, patience, success by long and ambitious planning, and is likely to come to its best. You have caution, determination, ambition, and practical ability. Sometimes you will make too many personal sacrifices in order to achieve objectives. Or (If afflicted), Your self concentration is on care for real or imagined necessities can turn to a miserly insistence on getting much out of life for selfish ends, with coldness and lack of regard for the necessities of others.

This is called Ardhashtama Sanior Kanta Sani. During this period, there will be harassment from Government and enmity with it. The cattle get destroyed. The saved money of the native will easily flow away due to wasteful and unwanted expenditure. You will have to leave his home or hometown country etc. under compulsion leaving all your belongings. If judged life span is nearing its end and maraka dasda period is also on there may be death also. Properties will slip away from hand. One leg may become inactive due to rheumatism etc. You may suffer dog bite or be attacked by horned animals. Wife or other female relatives may fall ill. The native himself may pass through critical period of bad health. There will be scarcity and poverty. You will lose all comforts and spend on negative things. You will lose respect and suffer humiliation. You will be always worrying about something or other. There will be fear limping in your mind that something bad may happen to you. Your thinking will become perverted and negative. Thus Saturn in 4th gives bad results in all aspects of life. In brief you face restrictions, obstacles, and delays in health, daily work, career success, promotions, and in any type of personal luck or favouritism. It is a good period to engage in discipline, self-control, spiritual austerities, and organizational assignments. There is vulnerability or difficulties involving the heart. Saturn when Well Aspected, still not so good in this position, unless particularly well aspected at birth, and also while passing through this house. You may decide to buy a home or you may decide to make some serious alterations in your home so you can use it to your advantage. This may also be a time when you seriously want to evaluate the effect of your early childhood environment on your adult personality, and you may wish to begin therapy of some kind. The end of affairs started at this time will not be so satisfactory and will be delayed beyond a reasonable time. Saturn brings domestic troubles, sometimes deaths, or causes one to think about death, to prepare for death, to make wills, an to put one’s affairs into order in case anything should happen. It is unfavourable for making changes, brings depressing and responsibilities. Unless very well aspected, it makes everything in the home rather more depressing and heavy, but if Saturn is favourable in the Natal Chart, everything will be quieter, more settled and reposeful. But it is rarely that one can expect definite improvement in affairs when Saturn is in a Kendra house.

Rahu in the ninth house indicates cravings for religion and higher knowledge and great power after the age of forty-one. However there may also be difficulties with the father and religious or spiritual teachers. Money, possessions and material comforts are of little consideration. You should seek to increase your generosity and charitable nature. Travel is a source of evolution and you may wish to engage in foreign affairs. You may take fun and recreation seriously and enjoy speculations when you feel the impulse. You may pay little attention to relationships with siblings and relatives. You may pay little attention to relationships with siblings and relatives. Due to bad and wicked minded friends you will invite miseries and gets into trouble. There will be heavy loss of money. Your mind will indulge in sinful acts only. You may resort to practice the discipline and code of religion other than your own. Your mind will not engage in good and righteous deeds. This will be bad time for brothers, father and mother. You may practice black magi. The Ketu in the third house means that you will be strong-willed, exciting and adventurous and good at fulfilling his desires. It also signifies a spiritual introspective or introverted younger sibling.

Rahu in the eighth house and the (Ketu) in the second are considered the most painfully and troublesome node positions. Family life is harmed and there are disturbances in married life. Happiness is not favoured. If 3rd or 4th round of 7 ½ years Saturn also runs, the native may pass away. You are afflicted by many diseases and there is complex of fear in your mind even for petty matters. You may get disease in your private organ. Due to conspiracy of others, you may fall in your endeavours and loses property and in whatever efforts you undertake, all will fail. Your business and profession get greatly affected resulting in losses. However, there may be good spiritual and mystical experiences. Also money can be earned from metaphysical or natural healing techniques. Your greatest growth, evolution, and fulfillment will come through relinquishing your desire for possessions, and helping others to determine their values, success and happiness will be found in pursuits involving the occult metaphysics mysticism, and psychic work.


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