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Know About Zodiac Signs: Gemini (Mithun), Chapter 3, Part - 32

Dr. Shanker Adawal


Initially Jupiter in Taurus transits the twelfth houses. Gives bad results.

From May 31, 2013 Jupiter in Gemini & remains in Gemini for rest of the year 2013, transits the first houses. Gives bad results.

From Saturn in Libra & remains in Libra for rest of the year 2013, transits the fifth houses. Gives moderate results.

Initially Rahu in Scorpio transits the sixth houses. Gives bad results.

Initially Ketu in Taurus transits the twelfth houses. Gives bad results.

From Jan 14, 2013, Rahu in Libra & remains in Libra for rest of the year 2013, transits the fifth houses. Gives moderate results.

From Jan 14, 2013, Ketu in Aries & remains in Aries for rest of the year 2013, transits the eleventh houses. Gives moderate results.

Jupiter transits the twelfth, it also aspects the fourth, sixth, and eighth houses. While Jupiter is in Taurus, Your desires for expansion will be in material ways though with love of the beautiful. Your motivation to make money is encouraged and it often brings success since you will invest cleverly with flair and a good sense of timing. Or (If afflicted), There will be an over-exaggerated desire in you to aggrandize the self through money and what money can buy.

There is a possibility of obtaining land or moving to a new home or apartment. It also indicates benefits and luck with the mother. Educational degrees are favoured, and you may get jewellery, ornaments, and other comforts. You may get a new car, plane, or health is good. You will enjoys your daily work and gets along well with your bosses and co-workers. You may get money from partners, wills, legacies, and other unearned means. The person visits astrologers, palm readers, and psychics. Or, you may engage in your own astrological or occult studies. You get bargains and incur neither unexpected debts nor expenses. Finally, you will enjoy sexual pleasures and sleeps on luxurious beds. Jupiter when Well Aspected, - This not infrequently will bring triumph over one’s enemies or those who have been, in some way, working indirectly against the native. If Afflicted – There will be a bad ending to matters after the native had expected everything to be favourable. The motto “Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed” is the best for those who have an afflicted Jupiter passing through this house. But when there are no afflictions, really big things may come unsought and unasked, and also unlooked for.

Jupiter transits the first house, it also aspects the fifth, seventh, and ninth houses. While Jupiter is in Gemini (Detriment), Your self-expansion versatility. You will be very talkative. You will have intellectual restless. Or (If afflicted). Your self-expansion will be through slick cleverness. You may be over-talkative, “too clever by half.”

When strong in Natal chart, you will experiences great creativity and mental harmony. Relationships with children are favoured, and conception of a child is possible. There is a possibility of marriage or an important new love relationship. The time signifies travelling, auspicious religious experiences, attainment of higher knowledge, and good luck. When weak in Natal Chart the native may be transferred to an unwanted place much against his wish. Even in the new place you will have sufferings. These men will pick up enmity with others. You will be running from pillar to post with no aim. You will have to meet unwanted expenditure. Money will be easily spent. Your capability of doing things or the functional ability will fall down.


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