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Know About Zodiac Signs: Gemini (Mithun), Chapter 3, Part - 35

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Your ability to fulfill your ambitions and cravings will be limited. You may have difficulties with groups and friends, and may encounter restrictions or problems with your spouse. If you are Single, you have fewer opportunities for creating a beneficial love relationship at this time. You face financial delays and obstacles. Your thinking is subject to depression, seriousness, or pessimism. Your body is vulnerable to stomach (not heart) problems. Your married life and one’s emotional needs may certainly be thwarted or harmed. You may feel a very strong sense of determination and willpower, and feel compelled to follow your own instincts, desires, and heart at this time. However, all forms of gambling and speculation should be avoided, as no luck in such matters at present. There may be also restriction, burden, difficulties, and grief through children and youngsters during this transit. Women should be bewaring of unwanted pregnancies or abortions. Health-wise, the heart may be vulnerable or under pressure. There may be love affairs with older or authoritarian individuals. You may produce creations (artistic or otherwise) which are extraordinarily. Saturn when Well Aspected, - Then this acts in the reverse manner to Jupiter and, instead of bringing about attachments and love affairs, is more likely to break any that may be in progress, to make the native colder, less emotional and less responsive to the magnetism of others. If Afflicted – It will bring disaster to love ties, coldness, callousness, hardness and stolidity according to the natural tendency of the chart. Sometimes it may be good, for it cools down the emotions and inclines the native to purity and chastity.

Saturn transits the sixth house, it also aspects the eighth, twelfth, and third houses. While Saturn is in Scorpio, Caution and limitation are expressed as strong reserve and in secrecy. Your deepest emotions are very one-pointed. You will have tremendous sense of purpose and determination, and your emotional energy will be generally spent on attaining objectives. Or (If afflicted), The expressions are as your jealousy. Emotional outlets desired.

You will face difficulties with sexual enjoyment, debts and expenses, and wills and legacies. It is not a good time to borrow or spend money. Also, spiritual and occult studies are not much favoured. You will have difficulties and frustration with Siblings, as well as limited energy to fulfill one’s daily desires and ambitions. Fitness regimens and exercise programs are now appropriate. The person should address chronic illnesses in a serious, committed way., Although health matters for some may be difficult and demanding during the entirety of these two-and-a-half years, by the end of this transit the person may have completely transformed his relationship to his physical well-being. This is a good time for organization skill, efficiency, service oriented concerns, and the study of medicine or any other healing methods. However, the person may have troubles with servants, maids, and subordinates. Saturn when Well Aspected, - Saturn always acts in the reverse manner to Jupiter. Therefore, instead of the health being better, it is likely to be poor. There will be a loss of vitality and, to those so inclined, attacks of indigestion or dyspepsia, so that greater care will be needed in diet than usual. It is a difficult position for those seeking employment, for there will be obstacles and delays, either because the business of prospective employers is poor, or because the native’s own health will be unfit for the work. It will not be a good time for dealing with servants or those who are working under one. When Saturn is in good in Natal chart and aspect also, everything will be much better, though there will still be delays and obstacles in matters connected with employment, but eventually conditions will settle themselves more permanently, and responsibilities will come which will mean an advance in position. All his sickness will disappear ad body becomes sound and fit. His body will pack forth new attraction with glow and he will have an image of colourful personality. He may eat like a glutton but will digest it with no strain on the system. If Afflicted -  All the adverse predictions will be accentuated and there is certain to be some sickness which will be of long duration; or else some chronic ailment will arise out of the weakness to that part of the body attacked by the particular afflictions of Saturn.

Rahu in the fifth house indicates powerful or worldly children, cravings for maternal benefits, and unsettled peace of mind. If contemplating for money and possession. Now you will easily be able to fulfill your materialistic desires. Unfortunately, however, your cravings may be never-ending. There may be danger to life of one or both parents. Wife will also suffer bad health. Rahu is also said to give puthra dosha to the native. The Ketu in the eleventh house means spiritual or psychic friends, difficulties with groups, and strong ability to realize major goals and ambitions in life.

Rahu in the fourth house indicates problems with a forceful or domineering mother and troubles in gaining educational degrees. There are strong cravings in the heart and a possibility of attaining large homes or mansions. The native will also be afflicted by many diseases and his health suffers. You will develop enmity with others and there by suffer many difficulties at the hands of your enemies. The native may have to mourn the loss of some near relative or friend. The mother of the native may suffer from some illness. You may meet with vehicular accidents. You may suffer and have some losses during travel. You will have sleepless nights. Your wife and children may also suffer from sickness or other. Your or children education will be interrupted. The native may lose his home, landed property etc. The Ketu in the tenth house reveals a good reputation and successful professional life. Careers may involve any spiritual activity which raises the consciousness or the common person. There is distinct talent in metaphysical or natural healing techniques.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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