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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Wealth & Prosperity: Analyzing the Indu Lagna for Wealth & Prosperity, Chapter XV

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Indu Lagna is taken into consideration for the assessment of wealth and financial prosperity of a native. The word Indu in hindi is synonym of the planet Moon. To determine the Indu lagna, each planets, except the Rahu and Ketu, are assigned certain root numbers known as Kalas.

The Kalas for the lord of ninth house from the Ascendant be added with the Kalas for the lord of ninth house from the natal Moon. If the resultant number of Kalas happen to be more than 12 then the total number of Kalas be divided by twelve to get the remainder number of Kalas, which must be any number less than 12. This remainder corresponds to the Indu lagna as counted from the natal Moon. In case the remainder happens to be zero then the 12th house from the natal Moon happens to be the Indu lagna.

The following table given below indicates the number of Kalas assigned to each planet, for determining the Indu lagna:

Table indicating Kalas assigned to each planet.


Indu lagna thus obtained, by using the above table and the method explained above, can be interpreted for wealth and prosperity of the native as per the principles given below in the following lines:

1. Functional benefic planets placed in the Indu lagna or in 2nd 10th or 11th house from the Indu lagna confers wealth and prosperity to the native during the period of their Mahadashas and the antardashas.

2. The lord of the sign and the constellation in which the cusp of the Indu lagna falls and the planets falling into the constellations of the occupant planets also give wealth and prosperity to the native during the period of their Mahadashas and the antardashas.

3. A strong and benefic planet aspecting the Indu lagna also give financial gains, wealth and prosperity to the native during the period of their Mahadashas and the antardashas.

4. Indu lagna falling in the Bhagyasthana, namely the 9th house from the Ascendant is considered to be indicative of good luck and highly fortunate for the native.

5. Indu lagna unoccupied by any planet and without any aspect from any planet is indicative poverty, 
misery, financial losses, destitution and lack of prosperity for the native.

6. Well placed lord of the Indu lagna in a horoscope indicates wealth, prosperity and financial gains for the native.

7. If one or more benefic planets occupy the Indu lagna then the native becomes wealthy, rich and financially prosperous in his life.

8. If the malefic planets like Saturn, Sun or Mars happen to occupy the Indu lagna then the native is likely to be moderately rich and prosperous in life.

9. If the malefic planets like Saturn, Sun or Mars happen to be exalted in the Indu lagna then the native is likely to start with moderate wealth and prosperity but becomes very rich, prosperous and wealthy later in his life.

10. If a benefic planet and a malefic planet together occupies the Indu lagna then it indicates plenty of wealth, prosperity and happiness for the native.

11. All the planets positioned in the Indu lagna or at the Kendra, namely 1st 4th 7th or 10th or Trikona, namely 5th or 9th, to it and those planets aspecting to the Indu lagna gives wealth, prosperity and financial gains or benefits to the native during the period of their Mahadashas and the antardashas.

12. All the planets positioned in the 3rd 6th 8th or 12th house from the Indu lagna gives loss of wealth, prosperity and financial setbacks or undue expenses to the native during the period of their Mahadashas and the antardashas.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello.
    I am so confused on this topic. Do we divide or subtract 12 from the number? How can you divide 12 into numbers smaller than it? You would not get an even number. Do transits and degrees also trigger the indu lagna?

    My birth info

    December 31, 1965
    02:30:00 A.M.
    Washington, D.C.

    I have read so many articles on this and I've gotten different Indu Lagnas. Please help me to know which one is my true Indu Lagna!!

    For now I am thinking it is Aires. I have Libra Asc/Pisces Moon.



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