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Sub Periods in Main Period of Moon (w.r.t. House Positions)

Dr. Shanker Adawal
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the Ascendant and in the sub periods of Venus, Jupiter, Moon & Mercury, the native keeps good health, gets favour from government, conveyance, clothes and ornaments.
The same type of Moon Period and the sub period of malefic planets, brings about trouble & loss of agriculture, cows, & lands.
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 2nd house, an in the sub period of malefic planets, there is trouble from or to wife, son, relatives, & fear from government.
During the sub periods of benefic planets in the main period of Moon located in the 2nd house, there is much happiness to the native. He gets good food, clothes, drinks and enthusiasm.
(Moon by herself is the signjificator of food, when she is in the 2nd house- of eating and drinking, it is clear that good influence on a good Moon in the second house will give high class dishes to eat).
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 3rd house, and in the sub ruling periods of benefic planets, the  native gets much comfort and favour from government.
Moon having its main Period by location in the 3rd house, and malefic planets having their sub periods in her, in this period, the native gets some limb impaired. He also gets loss of brothers and patience.
During the main Period of Moon in the 4th house, and in the sub-periods of benefic planets, the native gets much comfort, favour from government and also comforts relating to his residence.
During the same type of the main ruling period of Moon and the sub period of malefic planets, the native suffers much loss of house, wife, & wealth & gets trouble from thieves, fire and the government.
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 5th house and in the sub periods of benefic planets the native gets much comfort, and wife, wealth, sons, friends, clothes etc.
During the main Period of the 4th house Moon and the sub periods of malefic planets the native suffers from an agitated intellect, sorrowful mind, and trouble from son, wife and government.
During the main period of Moon located in the 6th house and in the sub-periods of malefic planets there is loss of agriculture, indebtedness, and trouble from such diseases as urinal trouble, consumption, jaundice.
During the main period of Moon located in the 6th house, and in the sub period of benefic planets, the native gets friendship from one and all and there is no fear of any trouble from thieves, fire etc.
(The planet having its main ruling period and the sub ruling period are natural benefic possessing strength and when both influence by association or aspect, on the 6th house and or its lord, then the periods is one where one has no enemies to contend with and not many hurdles to cross).
During the main period of Moon located in the 7th house and in the sub periods of benefic, one gets wife, son, wealth, conveyance, clothes & ornaments.
During the main Period of Moon located in the 7th house and in the sub period of malefic, there is foreign travel and loss of son, wealth, wife, & relatives.
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 8th house & in the sub periods of malefic planets there is much fear, loss of wife & sons, eating of bad food and defeat.
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 8th house and in the sub period of benefic planets the native gets much comfort, much fame, patience, conveyance & ornaments.
During the sub periods of benefic in the main period of Moon located in the 9th house, there is help from father, observance of religious duties, & sacrifices, marriage, getting of ruling powers, & wife, & wealth.
During the sub periods of malefics, in the main period of Moon located in the 9th house. However, there is loss of religious sense, sorrow in mind & loss of ruling powers, wealth & property.
During the sub periods of benefic planets in the main period of Moon located in the 10th house, the native remains devoted to his duties and to religious literature & charity.
If the sub period is of malefic planets in the main period of Moon located in the 10th house, one is frustrated in his actions, gets defame, & great fear.
Moon located in the 11th house the native gets conveyance, ruling power & happiness of various types.
During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 11th house & in the sub periods of malefic planets, there is loss of wealth, there is trouble in agriculture, grains, there is physical trouble & trouble from thieves and the government.
During the sub ruling period of malefic planets in the main period of Moon located in the 12th house, there is much trouble, loss of wealth, and enmity all-round.

During the main ruling period of Moon located in the 12th house and in the sub period of benefic planets, the native gets clothes, scents, ornaments, increase of wealth, friends, sons, conveyance and comforts from wife.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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