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Ketu Dasa and Sub-Periods Part 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 4
In the Sub-Period of Jupiter in the Period of Ketu
During Jupiter Sub-period in Ketu Dasa the native is blessed with a fortunate son, worship of the God of gods, income through lands, or discovery of a treasure, money through presents, influx of large sum of money and honour and recognition from the state.
When Jupiter is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or is associated with Ascendant, 9th house, or 10th house Lord in a Angles, or Trine.
i) Effects, like increase in wealth and grains, beneficence of the sovereign, enthusiasm, gain of conveyances etc., celebration, like birth of a son at home, performance of pious deeds, Yagna, conquest of the enemy and enjoyments, will be derived.
When Jupiter is in his debilitation Rasi, or in 6th house, 8th house, or 12th house.
ii) Danger from thieves, snakes and wounds, destruction of wealth, separation from wife and children, physical distress etc. will be the results.
iii) Though some good effects may be felt at the commencement of the Sub-Period, there will be only adverse results later.
When Jupiter is associated with a benefic in a Angles, Trine, in the 3rd, or 11th from the Lord of the Period.
iv) There will be gains of many varieties of garments, ornaments by the beneficence of the sovereign, foreign journeys, taking care of kinsmen, availability of decent food.
When Jupiter is lord of 2nd houses, or 7th houses.
v) Fear of premature death will be caused.
The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are Mahamrutyunjaya Japa and recitation of Shiva Sahastrnama.
In the Sub-Period of Saturn in the Period of Ketu
During the Sub-period of Saturn in the Mahadasa of Ketu, the wise say that the native will have to face trouble to or from servants, annoyance to or from others, quarrel with enemies and as a result dislocation or fracture of some limb, loss of money and loss of status and position.
When Saturn is deprived of strength and dignity. There will be loss of wealth and lethargy, When Saturn is in 8th house, or 12th house.
i) Effects, like distress to oneself and ones kinsmen, agony, increase in cattle wealth, loss of wealth, as a result of imposition of fines by government, resignation from the existing post, journeys to foreign lands and danger of thieves during travelling, will be derived.
When Saturn is in a Trine in Pisces, in Libra, in his own Rasi, or, When Saturn is in an auspicious Navamsa, or is associated with a benefic in a Angles, Trine, or in 3rd house.
ii) Success in all ventures, happiness from the employer, comforts during journeys, increase in happiness and property in ones own village, audience with the dignitary etc. will be the results.
iii) (According to Brihat Jatak, Saturn in Libra, Pisces, 2nd house, Capricorns and Aquarius in Ascendant gives Rajyoga).
When Saturn is associated with a malefic, in the 6th, 8th, or 12th from the Lord of the Period.
iv) There will be physical distress, agony, obstacles in ventures, lethargy, defamation, death of parents.
When Saturn is lord of 2nd houses, or 7th houses.
v) Fear of premature death may be expected.

The remedial measures to obtain relief from the above evil effects are performance of Haven with sesame seeds (Til) and giving a black cow, or female buffalo in charity.

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