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Some more rules given by another authority of a Planet Part 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 2

During the sub period of a benefic placed 7th from the main Period lord and occupying a sign other than an inimical sign or the sign of its debilitation, the native gets comforts, good jewels, clothes, & ornaments.

During the sub period of a benefic located 8th from the main Period lord, the native enjoys comforts. In the first half portion of the sub period the native gets good results but in the second half he gets trouble.

During the sub period of a malefic located in 8th from the main Period lord, the native gets into trouble, has to eat unbecoming food & has to suffer at the hands of thieves, fire or the government.

During the sub period of a malefic planet located 9th from the planet having its main ruling period the native gets bad luck and set backing his profession and gets mental trouble.

During the sub period of a benefic located by the main Period lord, a man generally gets marriage, initiation into some religious order, celebrating of some Yoga, and performs acts of charity.

During the sub period of a malefic located 10th from the main Period lord, the native does unholy deeds, & gets defame and misfortune.

In the sub period of a benefic located 10th from the main period lord, the native gets comforts, and earns merit through such good karmas as the building of the public tanks, temples, etc.

During the sub period of a malefic planet located in 11th from the main Period lord, the native gets comforts, better prospects in life, favour from the government & increase of sons, wife etc and good residence.

During the sub period of a malefic planet located in the 12th from the main Period lord, the native meets with sorrow, loss of wealth, punishment from government loss of position and loss of memory.

During the sub period of a benefic located in the 12th from the main Period lord, the native gets conveyance, enjoyments, luck, clothes, and ornaments.

Thus evil results should be declared for the sub period lord particularly when it is not located in its exaltation sign, own sign, friendly sign or in good Vargas.

During the sub period of a malefic planet located with the sub-period lord or 2nd or 3rd to it one gets sorrow but if the sub-period lord is a benefic the results are good for the native.

There is much sorrow, and loss of position, eyes, relatives, sons, wealth, & trouble from government during the sub period of a malefic planet in the main period also of a malefic.

During the sub and main periods of benefic planets the native gets position, fine clothes, conveyance, and ornaments.

During the main ruling period of a malefic and the sub ruling period of a benefic the native first gets good results and then bad results.

During the main ruling period of a benefic and the sub ruling period of a malefic the native gets trouble first and then comforts.

In cases where there are many contradictory factors the results for the majority should be declared. Where factors are equal the results earlier & later should be predicted as detailed.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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