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Assessing the Effects of Sub-Periods of a Planet Part 4

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 4

28. The lord of a Trine house gives, during his Major period and the sub-period of the lord of an Angular house, good effects. Even if these two planets are not in any way related, they will not cause any harm.

29. Should Jupiter and Venus happen to own Angular Houses, they become powerful to cause harm. Should they also occupy the Maraka places (2nd & 7th houses) they become powerful and cause death of the native during their Dasa & Sub-period.

30. Should Mercury own an Angular house, he becomes less powerful than Jupiter or Venus in doing harm. The Moon, in such a condition, comes next to Mercury. Evil planets when owning Angles become more and more auspicious in their effects.

31. Should Rahu or Ketu occupy an Angular or Trine House, they become Yoga karakas and instrumental to cause good to the man concerned provided they are related to the lord of either the Angular or Trine house.

 32. Should Rahu or Ketu occupy a house belonging to benefic and is not connected with any planet, he becomes good and produces auspicious results in his sub-period in the Major period of the aid planet. It may also be said that when Rahu or Ketu has no connection but occupy an auspicious house (Angle-Trine), he gives good effects when the sub-period of the Yogkaraka planet is ripening in his Major period.

33. During the Major period of a Yoga karaka planet, the Rajyoga operates when the sub-period of the Maraka planet is progressing. The sub-period of inauspicious planets which succeeds those in their turn add to the same.

34. The following planetary positions in a birth chart cause greatest misery to the person concerned:-

a) The planet posited in the 8th house;

b) The planet aspecting it;

c) The lord of the 8th house;

d) The lord of the 22nd Dekkana from the Ascendant and

e) The planet owning the sign occupied by Mandi.

But the weakest of these is responsible for causing the demise of the native and this may happen in his Dasa or Sub-period.

35. The Dasa of a planet is said to be Avarohini (descending) when the said planet begins to descend from his exaltation sign; while that of a planet in friend or exaltation house is called Madhya or middling. The Dasa of a planet proceeding from his debilitation is termed Arohini or ascending. The Dasa of a planet that is actually in his depression or when he is moving from this point of full inimical sign or in his depression or inimical Amsa proves to be worst.

36. Even when a planet is eclipsed or is placed in its depression or inimical house but occupies a benefic sign or Amsa, its Dasa can safely be said to give mixed effects and is certainly capable of giving good results in the last half of the Dasa period.

37. Demise of the relative indicated by the House under reference may be said to take place in the Major period of the planet in the 12th house counted from that house or of the planet owning it, which ever is weaker.

For instance, a weak lord of the 2nd house is posited in the 9th. The 2nd house is the 12th (Vyayesh) to the 3rd. This 3rd house stands for the younger brother or the sister. Again the 9th is the 12th (Vyayesh) to the 10th house representing the father of the native. This weak lord of the 2nd may cause the demise of the brother or that of the father in his main ruling or sub-period. Thus a weak planet in his Dasa or Sub-period causes destruction of both the houses which happen to be the 12th by ownership or by placement.

38. Should the lord of the Dasa in his transit pass through the Ascendant, the 3rd, the 6th, the 10th or the 11th house from it (Ascendant) or if the lord of the Dasa comes in the 7th place of the Ascendant i.e., the 7th house, or when a friendly or an auspicious planet comes to the Ascendant the Dasa proves beneficial at that time.

39. During the several periods over which a Dasa may continue, the good or bad effects is to be ascertained after referring to the particular house reckoned from the Moon, which the lord of the Dasa may occupy during the course of its progress through its orbit.

The Moon gives auspicious results when in transit:-

i) Moon is in the house of a friend of the lord of the Dasa; or

ii) In the exaltation house of the latter or in the 7th houses, Trine or

iii) In any one of the Upachaya (3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11) houses with reference to the lord of the Dasa.

iv) The favourable positions of Moon are referred above, in other houses Moon shows evil results.

The positive sign occupied by the Moon also represent Ascendant, 2nd, 11th house etc., in the nativity. Then Moon in anyone of these auspicious positions should promote prosperity with reference to the House indicated by the sign occupied. So far as the inauspicious positions (6, 8, 12) are concerned, the House represented by the negative sign occupied by the Moon suffers loss.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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