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Dasa of the Lord of the Second House Part 3

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Part 3

10) If the lord of the second bhava is posited in the eleventh bhava in combination with the Lord of 11th house (i.e. the lord of the eleventh bhava), the Native will get the wealth of his elder brother and will have profits in his avocations. He will have, during the period of the lord of the second bhava, profits which will be determined by the nature of the bhava-lordship owned by the planets which are in combination with the Lord of 2nd house or by the nature of the planets, which own the rasi in which the Lord of 2nd house is in the Navamsa Chart. If the lord of the second bhava is in the Navamsa Chart in the sixth, eighth or twelfth amsa (i.e. rasi from the amsa i.e. rasi occupied by the Lord of 11th house in the Navamsa Chart, there will be no good effects described above. If the lord of the eleventh bhava is weak, here will be a very little gain).

11) If the lord of the second bhava is posited in the twelfth bhava in combination with the Lord of 12th house (i.e. the lord of the twelfth bhava), the Native will incur expenditure in ways which will be determined by the nature of the bhava lordship owned by the planets which are associated with them (i.e. with the Lord of 2nd house and Lord of 12th house). If there is no association of other planets with them, the ways and means of expenditure must be determined from the nature of Lord of 12th house only. If the lords of the twelfth and second bhavas are weak, the expenditure will be on a small scale. If the lord of the second bhava is in the Navamsa Chart in the 6th, 8th, or twelfth amsa-rasi from the amsa-rasi occupied by the lord of the twelfth bhava (i.e., with reference to the positions of these two planets in the Amsa Chart), there will be no actual expenditure, but there will be only a threat of expenditure, there will be trouble or disease in the family or to the wife or there will be mental worry or derangement or aberration of mind to the Native.

12) If the lord of the second bhava is posited in the first bhava in combination with the lord of the first bhava, there will be a growth of family; the Native’s words will be respected and valued; the Native will expend money in good and virtuous ways; he will feed many people in charity and will acquire a name and fame as a rich philanthropist. If the Lord of 2nd house is weak, the Native will earn only a small amount of money. If the Lord of 2nd house is in the Navamsa Chart in the sixth, eighth or twelfth amsa-rasi from the Amsa of the lord of the first bhava in Navamsa Chart the Native will be miserly, foolhardy and turbulent.

13) The lord of the second bhava will, during his period, cause effects, which will be in harmony with the nature of things controlled by, or significations attributed to or characteristics ascribed to-

1) The planets which are in conjunction with the Lord of 2nd house or which aspect the Lord of 2nd house,

2) the lord of the rasi of amsa or of the Trimsamsa of the Lord of 2nd house, and

3) the bhava owned by the planet which aspects, or is with, the Lord of 2nd house.

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