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Know About Zodiac Signs: Aries (Mesh), Chapter 1, Part - 13

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Zodiac Yantras for Aries sign


Om Dhim Shrim Laxmi Narayanaya Namah

Person having Aries ascendant or Moon sign should worship above yantra. The yantr is to be carved on a square copper plate and then it is to be filled with Asthgand or can be written on bhojpatra by Asthgand or red sandal with the help of stylus (kalam) made by wood of pomegranate.

Native should recital above mantra while worshipping the yantra in early morning for getting maximum good results and benefic effect of sign as well as its lord Mars.

Mars Yantra


In Astrology Mars in considered the significator of power, zeal, enthusiasm, patriotism, anger, hatred etc. In Mundane Astrology conspiracy, earthquake, explosion, tricks etc. are predicted by the various position of Mars. Being the lord of the Aries sign become important planet for the natives of Aries sign. If Mars is placed in benefic position then all auspicious results are felt by the native. Malefic position of Mars gives problems related to digestive system, neck, intestine, generative organs. When it is in close conjunction of Rahu, it gives problems such as dysentery, typhoid, cholera and other diseases. Blood pressure is also a significator of Mars.

Hence, it is advised to those persons who has born under Aries sign as well as who are suffering from high blood pressure or other diseases related with Mars to keep Mars Yantra in their house and worship it daily.

Mars can be worshiped in any day when Siddha Yoga is prevailing or it can be worshiped on every Tuesday. Worshipping Mars will bestow sons and wealth of the native. Hanumanji is the ruling god of Mars. Some classical books has mentioned that Bhagwan Kartikya is the ruling good of Mars. Any of these may also be worshiped for propitiating the planet Mars and avoiding its malefic effects.

||Mantra of Mars||
Om kraam kreem kroom sah Om bhur bhuva swah agnirmurdha divya kakutpati prithvivyaa ayam apa goong reta goong si jinvati| Om swah bhuva bhu Om sa krom krim kram bhoomaye namah||

||Beej Mantra of Mars||
Om kraam kreem kroom sah boomaye namah kroom kreem kram||

||Gayatri Mantra of Mars||
Om shitiputraya vidmahe lohitangaya dhimahi, tannoo bhowmaah parchodayat||

Dr. Shanker Adawal

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