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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Notable Herbs in Human Welfare, Chapter XV, Part – 2

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Caraway (Carum carvi)

Planted biennial in the spring yearly for harvesting in the next year. It may planted near peas and beans, but not fennel.

Caraway normally seed is used. It is spicy and warm, used in breads, cakes and candies, as well as cabbage, soup, salads, sauerkraut, goulash and baked apples.

The main constituent of caraway is a hydrocarbon oil with carvens and limonene a fatty oil. Seeds contain approximately four to seven per cent of the oil, depending upon the variety and distillation process. It helps in digestion, counter acts gases, acts as a mild expectorant.

It is a carminative, antispasmodic, appetizer, expectorant, emmenagogue and stomachic. It also relieves uterine cramps and promotes mother’s milk. It is used for flatulent colic in infants and to settle the stomach of a person who has taken distasteful medicines and feels nauseous.

Catnip (Nepetea cataria)

Planted in the spring, it should not be transplanted. It germinates in twelve days. It can give three harvests a year.

It has oil comprised of cavracol, thymol, and nepetalactone.

Catnip is an aromatic, carminative, anodyne, antispasmodic and diaphoretic. This is effective for cold, fever. Stomach problems, hysteria, insomnia.

As part of a formula for children (1/2 teaspoon catnip to 1 cup water), it is good for convulsions. It is also good for gas, wind colic and stomach acidity.

Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis, Matricaria chamomilla)

The plant is two to three feet tall and planted annually in the spring, anywhere in the garden, since it is helps keep all plants healthy. Its germination period is maximum fourteen days.

The upper part of the plant and flowers are used. It is a powerful alkali. Usually cultivated and sold commercially, but wild chamomile is also found. It contains a pale blue volatile oil that turns yellow with age as well as some anthemic acid and tannic acid. It is a glucosidal, antispasmodic, calmative, anodyne, carminative, antiphlogistic and tonic. It is used for every thing from reducing depression to sleep disorders, neuralgia, rheumatic condition and rashes. It reduces inflammation and gastrointestinal problems.

As oil it relieves toothache.

It gives the individual a serene disposition.

Chives (Alliam Schoenoprasum)

 The plant is one to one half feet tall, perennial in the spring. It may be grown from seed. It may be planted near celery or carrots but do not plant next to peas or beans. The germination period is from two to three weeks.

It give flavor to vegetable soups and soft cheese and may use the herb in salads and egg dishes as well as jacket potatoes.

It contain a volatile oil, rich in sulphur and vitamin C. (Dried chives are not as potent in nutrients as fresh chives).

Chives promote digestive processes and stimulate appetite. It helps in lowering blood pressure.

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

The plant is three feet tall, this is perennial planted from root cuttings, in the early spring in soil rich in lime. Its leaves and roots are used for different remedies. Wash made from the leaves is very good to heal cuts wounds and insect bites in humans and animals. It destroys harmful bacteria.

The leaves are a great poultice for cuts and wounds as it has some pain reliving properties and antibiotic action. Cook the leaves once then throw out the water and cook again. Its tea is good for internal and external uses and healing throughout the body, when it has been afflicted by disease or traumatic injuries. It is similar to spinach in taste and contains vitamin B-12, useful for vegetarians.
Comfrey contains a large amount of mucilage, 0.6 to 0.8 per cent allantoin and a small amount of tannin. Starch is also present in miniscule amounts.

Comfrey is an astringent, demulcent, anodyne, emollient, haemostatic, expectorant, refrigerant and vulnerary. Comfrey is helpful for diarrhea. It can be used for a decoction of rootstock, which makes a good gargle and mouthwash for throat inflammation, hoarseness and bleeding gums. It also helps digestive and stomach problems as well as excessive menstrual flow. A rootstock may be used in baths for better skin tone. One of the best bone-knitting herbs, called bone knit by native Americans.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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