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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Charms and Spells, Chapter IX, Part – 6

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Influence of Black Magic and Evil Eye

Part 2

3. Monday:- The day lord is Moon. The patient will remain in bed for fortnight. The reason for his illness can be due to evil eye, over eating of white coloured food. If the man is sick, he will feel headache, disorder of stomach and pain in body. In such case turmeric and red vermillion be applied on the person. A white hen, 1 ¼ kg of sesame, one white chicken, and mustard oil and 1 ¼ masha silver to be donated.

4. Tuesday:- The day lord is Mars. The patient will remain in bed for ten days. The illness can be due to some soul, which may be present in his house or there is some tree in the house where the soul resides. The indications of illness are that person feels pain in belly and umbilicus, there is a shivering in the body. One should donate cloth of red colour 1.25 meters, red lentils, Baranj, Kanjad, a few flowers of pomegranate tree, one cloth worn by patient seven kilos wheat, 1 ¼ kilos mustard oil and one red chicken after showing to the patient.

5. Wednesday:- The day lord is Mercury. The person falling sick on Wednesday indicates that one will feel pain in back, chest and headache. One should donate any food goaded with ghee, a four meter long cloth, small quantity of silver, one egg and one white chicken. In case of boy, make a lamp of flour with four wicks and ghee. Lit this lamp and throw in the river. Also donate salt, moth (a kind of kidney bean) and baranj.

6. Thursday:- The day lord is Jupiter. One will remain in bed for ten days. The indication is pain in waist, head and umbilicus, one will feel fear in sleep. In such case donate red chicken, yellow red and black coloured pieces of cloth, mehndi (myrtle) leaves, 0.25 kg wheat and small quantity of silver.
In case a boy falls ill he will not have breast feed of his mother, will vomit after taking anything, continuous weeping, his colour will gradually becomes yellow. In such case make a lamp of barley flour with four wicks, and lit it with ghee. Prepare kheer (mixture of rice and milk) and flow it in the river after showing to the patient, kheer should be donated.

7. Friday:- The person falling ill on Friday will remain in bed for 11 days. One should feel inactiveness in body, headache, red eyes and murmuring in dreams. Collect dust of four places where four crossings meet or ash from cemetery or cremation ground, blood of white goat, these two mixed together. One lamp of mash floor, small quantity of turmeric and vermillion be collected. All these items to be put in a new earthen pot after wrapping in black cloth and should be thrown in the river. One should also donate one loaf of ¼ kg small quantity of silver and 1 ¼ yards white cloth.
If a boy falls ill then one should burn the hair or tail of crow or chicken and body be put to this smoke. One should donate kheer after completing the whole exercise.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.com
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