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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Mantras, Chapter III, Part – 39

Dr. Shanker Adawal   

Indra is the lord of the Jyeshtha Nakshatra. A person born under this constellation is keen to work, studious, logical, interested in science, humorous, quick at giving repartees, frank, pleasure loving, prone to exaggerating, short and sharp tempered, flexible in his attitudes, having few friends and angered at the highest point. He may be arrogant, pleasure loving, affectionate towards animals, fond of rearing pets and animals, helpful to friends, facing obstacles & hurdles in the path to progress and opposed to his family.

Jyeshtha is a Mool Sangyaka Nakshatra. Birth in the third pada of Jyeshtha is harmful for the mother. It controls the intestines, anus, genitals, ovary and womb and these are afflicted with ailments when malefic planets give their effect. To ward of the malefic effect the native should worship the golden idol of lord Indra on the day of the Jyeshtha Nakshatra with white sandalwood incense, flowers of champak, camphor, dhoop, ghee, etc. Young Brahmins should be given sesame seeds, gold and blue clothes in charity. Apamarga Mool should be worn on the arm or the heart. Perform homa while mixing ghee, sesame seeds and tendul with the twigs of apamarg and recite the following mantra.

Om tratarmindrmavitarmindarguhva havesuhahav gum shurmindram|
Hriyamishkram puruhutmindar gum swastino madhavadhatvindra om shukrayee namah||


Rakshasa is the Lord of Moola Nakshatra.  A person born in this constellation must be affectionate, friendly, large hearted, honest, pleasant natured, forgiving, good at giving advise, prone to respecting others, capable of leadership qualities, disciplined, law abiding, devoted to the traditional and ancient, engaged in social service and social work, determined, trustworthy and incurring expenditure on religious work. Such a person may work according to his own wishes, may not listen to others, may oppose the old generation, may suffer from stomach ailments, be fond of a wandering life, have faith in magic, be victorious over enemies and be fond of fresh and beautiful clothes and ornaments.

Moola is a Mool Sangyaka Nakshatra. Birth in the third pada of Mool nakshatra is harmful from the financial point of view. A person born in the Mool nakshatra may face many hardships in childhood and may not even survive. However, he may be very fortunate and wealthy. Moola nakshatra controls the thighs; chest, nerves etc. and these are afflicted with ailments due to malefic planets. To ward off the malefic effects, the native should worship, Bhool bhavan Lord, Ashutosh (Shri Shivlinga), with black incense sticks, blue flowers, ghee lamp, black dhoop and mixed cereals. Offerings should be made through Sahvimashann. Wear good quality Vaidurga jewel or mandar Mool. Recite the following mantra for hundred and eight times.

Om Mate putram prathivi putram prithvi purishyamagnigum swayeyonavabharusha Tam vishvedev rritubhi samvdana prajapatirvishvakarma vimuchtu om nirritye namah||


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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रहस्यमयी राहु के अनदेखे पहलुओं की खोज – 2025 में आपका स्वागत है!