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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Remedies: Mantras, Chapter III, Part – 9


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Benefits of Gayatri worship

Every sect and religion has elaborated the benefits of divine worship. Even in Vedas there are different types of worships but Gayatri worship has its own status. It is considered Vedic worship. When a devotee is worshipping Gayatri, he is worshipping the Supreme Soul, Parbrahm.

One who worships Gayatri he is blessed with self confidence which enables him to take right decision in his life. Right decisions are the pillars of life which leads a person to salvation. One who worships Gayatri he is never disturbed by evil souls, demons and ill effect of nine planets. It enriches a person with knowledge, enthusiasm and all his diseases are vanished. The devotee of Gayatri never feels miserable in his life. It is said that one who worships Gayatri never faces unnatural death. Problems such as cardiac arrest, high/low blood pressure, or any other disease which leads to unnatural death are checked with the worship of Gayatri.

In the section astrology we have given Gayatri mantras form different planets and deities. These mantras do not have mention in the classics but given by different gurus based on their experiments and are based on the Gayatri Mantra.

Saguna Mantras

Mantras used by spiritual aspirants to achieve God-Realization are called deity Mantras. They are Saguna, with qualities or form producing, and aid the conceptualization process, just as do visual symbols.

In time, recitation gives rise to the actual form of the particular deity. As a specialized sound body of consciousness, the Mantra is the deity itself. The form of the deity manifests as the visible portion of the sound. The Mantra, therefore, must be repeated in the proper way, with attention to the syllables and rhythm. If translated, it ceases to be a Mantra because sound vibrations newly created in translation cannot evoke it. Only the rhythmical vibrations of the Sanskrit syllables properly recited can regulate the unsteady vibrations of the worshipper and permit the form of the deity to arise.


Dr. Shanker Adawal

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