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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Basic Rules of Transit, Chapter II, Part - 5

Dr. Shanker Adawal

2.6 Basic Transit Rules

Part 1

2.6.1 The astrology or Jyotish Shastra basically comprises of three Skandhas, Namely Ganita/ Siddhanta, dealing with astronomy and mathematical astrology; Jatkam/ Hora dealing with natal predictive astrology or everything that happens to a human being; and Samhita or mundane astrology, which deals with collective application of astrology on natural phenomenon etc. It is a matter of great interest to all of us that as per Narada Purana, transit of planets are included in the Samhita Skandha, although apparently it should have been covered in Jatak Skandha. That is why, our classics on Jatak/ Hora, have so scantly discussed the transit.

2.6.2 The significations of each planet and house as given in natal astrology holds good for transit also. Similarly, the functional malefic or benefic nature of various planets for each lagna is also the same in natal or transit astrology. Horoscopic indications like positions, aspects and/ or conjunction of planets in modifying the results remain the same. There are different methods for estimating strength of a planet in a chart. The most commonly used are Shadbala and Saptvargiya/ Dusvargiyabala. In addition there are methods given in Jaimini system and Nadi System. The strength of a planet is usually determined in five ways as under:

i) The position of the planet with regard to its exaltation, own, friendly, neutral, detrimental, inimical or depression sign or house.

ii) The benefic or malefic nature of the planet with reference to the Moon sign or the ascendant.

iii) The Baladhi and Deeptadhi Awastha of the planet.

iv) A planet is said to possess strength when it is retrograde or hemmed between benefics and is weak if combust, eclipsed or hemmed between malefics.

v) As per Ashtakvarga, the number of benefic dots/ bindus (over 30) in the house, as per Sarvastak Varga, being transited by the planet and the number of dots (over 3) in the Bhinnastak Varga of the planet.

2.6.3 There are two types of indications in life, namely general trend and significant events. The general trend is generated by the planetary periods while the significant events are triggered by the transit. The significant events can be in line with the general trend, or against the prevalent general trend. The significant events are triggered by the interplay of the relationship between transit planets and natal planets/MEPs. The results generated depend upon the significations ruled by their Mooltrikone houses, the significations ruled by their houses of placement, either natally or in transit, and/ or the significations ruled by the natal house(s) whose MEPs are under transit impact. This is called the triple transit triggering influence (TTT), as it is true for the three possible combinations of transit influence i.e. transit over natal, transit over transit, and natal over transit. In other words:

1) Whenever any weak natal planet/MEP is transited by functional malefic (FM)/(s), it triggers a significant undesirable incident concerning that weak natal planet or that weak house, whichever is the case. This is more so when the weak natal planet or the lord/significator of the weak house is weak in transit as well.

2) Whenever any strong natal planet/MEP is transited by FM(s), it triggers a mild unfavorable incident concerning that strong natal planet or that strong house, whichever is the case.

3) Whenever any strong natal functional benefic (FB)/ MEP is transited by FB(s), it triggers significant happy incidents pertaining to that strong natal planet or that strong house, whichever is the case.

4) Whenever any weak natal FB/MEP is transited by FB(s), it triggers hopes or non-significant happy incidents pertaining to that weak natal planet or that weak house, whichever is the case.

5) Whenever planets in transit form close conjunctions amongst themselves, the happenings occur depending upon their functional nature in connection with the houses with reference to a particular ascendant.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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