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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Transit and Ashtakvarga, Chapter IV, Part - 10

Dr. Shanker Adawal

4.4 Kaksha and Reductions

4.4.1 Kaksha: While a planet transits a house/ sign, its effects are further sub-divided on the basis of the sequence of their mobility. A house/ sign is divided into 8 equal parts of 3 degree 45 minutes each. The order of planets is the same as one would witness geocentrically. The Saturn, being the slowest & farthest, rules the first eighth part and the Lagna, being the fastest rules the last eighth part. Thus in any house/ sign, the areas ruled by seven planets and lagna for the purpose of predicting results are as under:

Table No. 19: Spread & Duration of Kakshas

Spread of Kaksha in a house/ sign
Average duration of planet in its Kaksha
00-         00’ to 03-45’
112 days
03-45’ to 07-30’
52 days
07-30’ to 11-15’
5  days 8 hrs.
11-15 to 15-00’
4 days
15-00’ to 18-45’
3 days 12 hrs
18-45’ to 22-30’
3 days 10 hrs
22-30’ to 26-15’
6-1/2 hrs
26-15’ to 30-00’
2 hrs

This lordship is over all the 12 houses/ signs. Thus on a Prashtarak sheet, we get 12 x 8 = 96 cells or Kakshas. The total number of dots in any house/ sign (in Bhinnashtak) denotes the strength of that sig/ house. For example in our example chart, Saturn has given maximum 6 dots in Leo ruled by Sun, so the Saturn will give best results while transiting 11-15’ to 15-00’ in that house and the worst in Sagittariuis & Capricorn (which have one dot each only) while transiting 00-00’ to 07-30’. The benefic Jupiter in his Bhinnashtak gives maximum points (7) while transiting Libra (ruled by Venus) from 15-00’ to 18-45’. The rule is that when a planet transits a Kaksha, which has a dot, the planet bestows benefic results. However, if the planet contributing the dots/ points is debilitated, or in enemy’s house or combust or lost in planetary war in the birth chart, it becomes powerless to give any benefic results. The step by step method of applying transit in Ashtakvarga should be as under:

Step 1: Assess the strength of the planet in the Bhinnashtak. Note in the Bhinnashtakvarga, the number of dots in the sign owned by the planet and the sign where the planets is placed in the natal chart. In case the planet is placed in its own sign the number indicated by the sign should be counted twice. For example, in the chart No. 3 of the native, Saturn owns Capricorn & Aquarius and is posited in Capricorn sign. In the Bhinnashtak of Saturn, Capricorn has only one dot while Aquarius has four dots. So the average strength of Saturn will be (1+1+4)/ 3 = 2 which shows it is a very weak planet. Its strength gets further reduced as it has only one dot in the sign (Capricorn) where it is posited. In the same chart, let us see the strength of Jupiter. The Jupiter own Sagittarius & Pisces and is posited in Libra. In the Bhinnashtak of Jupiter the number of dots in Libra, Sagittarius & Pisces are 7, 4 & 3 respectively. The average strength of Jupiter will be (7+4+3)/3=5.33. Hence Jupiter will give benefic results during its transit. Again as it has 7 dots in the sign (Libra) where it is posited, its strength is further increased marginally.

Step 2: Transit of Planets in different Sign/ Houses: A planet is poised to give good results pertaining to the house it owns or the house it is transiting provided that house/ sign has more than 4 dots. In Mar 2011, the Saturn as 8 & 9th lord was transiting in 4th house (of education & home), so the native went on long journey away from home in connection with education, but being 8th lord and average strength of 2 only, it could not give spectacular result. The Jupiter, a strong planet, being 7 & 10th lord was transiting 10th house (of profession). This also corroborated her going abroad for educational purpose.

Step 3: Transit of Planet in the Kaksha: Let us see Prashtarak of Jupiter and Saturn. The Jupiter was transiting in Pisces in Kaksha of Saturn, where it has a benefic dot (other dots are in Kaksha of Mercury & lagna). Similarly Saturn was transiting in Virgo in Kaksha of Mercury which has a benefic dot (other dots in Virgo are in Kaksha of Mars, Jupiter & Lagna). Since both these planets were transiting in Kaksha, which had a benefic dot, they gave good results. Had these Kaksha not contained benefic dot, no benefic result would have come during this transit.

Step 4: Sarvashtak Strength of the House/ sign, where the planet is transiting: This we will see a little later.


Dr. Shanker Adawal

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