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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: Transit and Ashtakvarga, Chapter IV, Part - 1

Dr. Shanker Adawal

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 As per Brihat Parashar Hora Shatra, sage Maitreya requested great sage Parashar to teach an easier method of the otherwise complex astrology, which can be understood and applied by people of even lower/ medium intelligence. The answer was a simple mathematical model, the Ashtakvarga system, which can be operated by a greater number of people. In the previous chapter, we have seen the effects of transit with reference to natal Moon/ Sun/ Ascendant. It is therefore, logical that such benefic places for each planet should be considered from all the planets (including itself) and the Ascendant (which represents the fastest moving point of a horoscope). However Rahu & Ketu are not considered because they do not have any physical mass of their own. Thus each planet is under the influence from eight sources, and hence the name Ashtakvarga system. This system provides an excellent tool to study the results/ future trends indicated by the transiting planets to a horoscope.

4.1.2 A planet in any horoscope is affecting all the 12 houses, all the seven planets and the ascendant in varying degrees. Thus on each planet the sources of influence would be 12 x 8 = 96. Some of these influences may be benefic, while others would be malefic. Ashtakvarga, in an elegant simplicity, synthesizes the influences of the seven planets, the ascendant and 12 houses and then goes on to quantify a vastly improved result. The fundamental principle is that no planet or its placing in a house is eternally good or bad. The planets have their own mutual relationships. This relationship gets modified by their mutual natal placement and w.r.t. lagna. The system has an added advantage in that it does away with minor mistakes in birth time, as it does not bother about longitudes of lagna & planets. Each planet has some benefic places and throws an influence on different signs (Bhavas are not considered in this system). Each benefic point is represented by a dot (Bindu) and each malefic influence by a small line or Rekha. Normally only benefic points are shown and the rest are assumed as malefics. Thus there are eight charts giving the name Ashtak (8) Varga.

4.1.3 The benefic dots given by all the seven planets and distributed over the 12 signs/ houses amounts to 337. Ashtakvarga can be effectively used to pinpoint a good/ bad period on the basis of transit of planets. It is a good analytical system to find out the quantitative value of the strength of planets as well as the houses. It takes care of transit of all planets and their real strength in a particular house. The native can get a maximum of 8 beneficial points/ dots in a house/ sign. Whenever a planet transits that house, the corresponding points indicate nature of the results. Even 6 or 7 dots give good results; while less than four dots normally indicate malefic results.


Dr. Shanker Adawal

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