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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 115


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Guiding Principles

P-1- If the lord of 12th is in a sign owned by a benefic, aspected by a benefic, the native will go about in his country happily.

P-2- Saturn in 12th aspected by Mars indicates that the native will spend a large slice of his wealth sinfully & extravagantly.

P-3- Exchange of signs between lords of Ascendant and 12th indicates that the native’s expenses will be in charitable & right directions.

P-4- The planet posited in 12th indicates the manner and direction in which expenses occur; the sign in which lord of 12th is placed also gives similar indications.

P-5- 12th from Ascendant or Moon (whichever is stronger), its lord and the planet posited therein, if benefic, benefic results ensue; if malefic, malefic results follow.

Y-4- If Rahu along with Mars, Saturn and the Sun has gone into the 12th House, the native will have his fall in hell.

The conjunction of the 12th Lord with the Sun will result in similar effect.

Y-5- There is no doubt in that the native will attain final emancipation, should there be a benefic in the 12th House, and the 12th Lord in his sign of exaltation be in conjunction with or aspected by a benefic planet.

Y-6- If the 12th Lord is together with malefic planets, the 12th House is occupied by malefic and these are aspected by malefic, the native wanders from country to country.

Y-7- Should the 12th Lord be situated in a benefic house and the 12th House has benefic in it and these have the aspect of benefic on them, the native will travel in his own country.

Y-8- If Saturn or Mars occupies the 12th House and the house is not aspected by benefic, the earnings will be made through sinful means.

Expenditure good or bad

Y-1- If the Ascendant Lord is situated in the 12th House and the 12th Lord along with Venus in the Ascendant, the expenses will be on religious grounds.

Y-2- If there is a malefic sign in the 12th house or the 12th house contains a malefic planet, or the lord of the 12th is aspected by a malefic planet the native spends on illegitimate items.

Y-3- One also spends on illegitimate causes if the 12th house is occupied by Saturn, Mandi, or Rahu, or its lord is influenced by these planets & the lord of the 12th is located in a malefic Navamsa.

Y-4- If the lord of the Navams occupied by the lord of the 12th house is a benefic planet, is located in a benefic Navamsa sign, is surrounded by benefic, one spends on legitimate items.

Y-5- If Jupiter and Venus occupy the 12th house, or if Mercury & Moon are there aspected by benefic & are located in the division “Paravat” the native spends on legitimate items of expenditure.

Y-6- If the lord of the 12th house is in angle or a trine house, but is located in an inimical Sastiamsa, the native spends on illegitimate items.

Y-7- If the lord of the 10th house is a natural malefic & is located in a Navamsa of an inimical planet or in that of its sign of debilitation & is aspected by the lord of the 12th house, the native spends on illegitimate items.

Y-8- If the lord of the 10th house is a natural benefic planet, & is located in its sign of exaltation, or in the sign of its friend or in its own varga & influences the lord of the 12th house, by association or aspect the native spends on legitimate, moral items of expenditure.

Wealth loss due to –

Y-1- If the lord of the 12th house is weak, is in association with or under the aspect of the lord of the 6th house, or is with Gulika etc. the native has to spend due to his enemy’s activities.

Y-2- If the lord of the 12th house is located in a malefic Navamsa and is associated with or aspected by a weak lord of the 7th house, the native loses wealth on account of his wife.

Y-3- If the lord of the 12th house is located in a malefic Navamsa, is in association with or aspected by Mars devoid of strength the native loses wealth due to his brothers.

Y-4- Similarly, if the lord of the 12th house is in association with or aspected by a weak lord of the 5th house, and is placed in a malefic Navamsa, the native loses his wealth on or due to his son.

Y-5- If the lord of the 12th house is influenced by association or aspect by the lord of the 9th house or by the Sun the native has to spend money on his father.

Y-6- Similarly, if the lord of the 12th house is in a bad house, with a malefic planet in association with or under the aspect of the lord of the 4th house, the native has to spend much on his mother.


Shanker Adawal

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