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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part - 44


Dr. Shanker Adawal


Y- Either lord of 5th and or Jupiter in 5th in conjunction of a feminine planet indicates birth of twins a boy and a girl.

P-1- In the matter of delineations concerning children, the significator for children (Jupiter) is to be given primary importance; and if Jupiter is in 6/8/12, the effects flowing from the 5th house will be moderate.

P-2- Lord of 5th, significator for 5, planet posited in 5th and planet aspecting 5th, in the order of priority given.

P-3- If these four planets are benefic, the native is highly educated; birth of son is certain, increase of children, luck from children etc. depending on the strength of these four planets.

P-4- Even death of children will be in their Major periods, if Malefic.

Attributes of the child to be born: Horary astrology

Y-1- The intelligence of the child to be born has to be decided from the navamsa occupied by the 5th bhava Madhya.

Y-2- The language mastered by the native, prayer, worship, inclination towards philosophy and scriptures are all to be decided with reference to the 5th house.

Y-3- The planets in conjunction with Jupiter and lord of 5th, indicate the habits, temperament and inclinations of the children to be born.

Y-4- If there is exchange of signs between lords of 1st & 5th with aspect or conjunction of a benefic, there will be birth of children.

Birth where? Y- If lord of 3rd and Moon are posted in 5th asapected by lord of 5th, there will be a birth in Mother’s house.

Planets and Children

Y- If the 4th from the sign occupied by lord of 5th, or the 5th is occupied

a-. Mars in 5th from Jupiter

b- Mars in 5th from Jupiter indicates loss of children.

c- Saturn’s aspect on such Jupiter indicates a few children.

d- Venus in 5th indicates happiness on account of children.

e- Sun in 6/8/12 conjunct with an inimical planet, whilst Saturn is aspecting Jupiter indicates that the native will adopt a child.


Y-1- If the 5th House has 3 or 4 malefic planets placed in it and is devoid of any benefic influence on it and the 5th Lord is in his debilitation sign, then the native has a desire of indulging in mean deeds (that is he will have a base profession).

Note: The 5th is House of the intellect when due to conjunction having the influence of 3 or 4 malefic planets, means the malefic influence are at its highest. Besides this the 5th Lord is placed in his debilitation sign and the 5th House is devoid of any benefic influence, then it can be reasonably assumed that the native will have a thinking of lower or base level in his mind, evil nature will be there in him and he will be unable to think of virtue. Therefore thinking of benefit for the manking remains a long way from him.


Y-1- If the lord of the 5th house is a benefic planet and is located with a benefic or is located in the sign of benefic planets the native is a man of intelligence & straightforward person.

Y-2- If the lord of the 5th house with exalted navamsa is placed in 5th house or aspecting the 5th & the 5th house is in between benefic planets, the native possesses keen intelligence.

Y-3- If the significator of intelligence i.e. Mercury is full of strength, the lord of the 5th house is aspected by a benefic & the 5th house is occupied by a benefic planet the native possesses keen intellect.

Y-4- If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th house is aspected by a benefic planet & is situated in “Vaisheshik” Amsa, the man possesses keen intelligence.

Y-5- If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 5th house is located in a angle or trine and is aspected by the lord of the 5th house, the native possesses keen intelligence.

Y-6- If the 5th house is located in between benefic planets & the 5th house is occupied by benefic planets. Jupiter is in angle or trine the native is learned & wise.

Y-7- If a benefic planet is the lord of the 5th house, the 5th house is occupied by Jupiter & the 5th house is in between benefic planets the native has much intelligence.

Y-8- If the lord of the 5th house is located in angle with a benefic planet and is with a planet in exaltation, the native is highly efficient in picking up the meaning of the words uttered by others.

Y-9- If the lord of the 5th house and Mercury are located in Mridu etc, Amsa & is aspected by benefic planets the native has an efficient & retentive memory.

So also is the case if it is in “Gopur” etc, Amsa.

Y-10- If the lord of the significator of intellect i.e. Mercury is located in an angle or a trine & is aspected by Mercury the native is quick to understand the even the minor hint thrown by others.

Y-11- The lord of the drekkana (Decanate) occupied by the lord of the 5th house or Mercury being a benefic planet, when is located in angle or trine and are under the aspect of benefic planets, the native understands the least hint thrown to him.

Y-12- If a malefic planet occupies the 5th house & the lord of the 5th house too is with a malefic planet & is located in a malefic Sastiamsa (1/60th division) the man has very little of intelligence.

Y-13- If the lord of the 5th house is occupying its sign of debilitation, or is eclipsed by the Sun, or is located in an inimical sign or is aspected by a malefic planet & is located in a malefic Sastiamsa (1/60th division), the native has very little of intelligence.

Y-14- If Saturn is located in the 5th house, the lord of the Ascendant is aspected by Saturn & the lord of the 5th house is in association with malefic (other than Mars.), the native has very little of intelligence.


Shanker Adawal

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