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Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part - 33


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Planets & Brothers – Mother General

Y-1- Should there be a benefic planet in the fourth house and its Lord be in his sign of exaltation and, the significator planet of mother (the Moon) be endowed with strength, is an indication of the long life of the mother.

Y-2- If the Lord of he Fourth House and Venus are situated in a Kendra or angle and Mercury is in his exaltation sign there will be full happiness of and through the mother.

Relationship with Mother:
Y-1- The native is specially loved by the mother, if the lord of the 1st & the 4th houses are mutual friends & are associated with and aspected by benefic.

Y-2- The native is loved by his mother, if the lord of the 4th house located in angle, is well aspected by the lord of the Lagna & is in association with and under the aspect of benefic.

Y-3- There is enmity between the native and his mother, if the lords of the 4th and the 11th houses are enemies of the lord of the Lagna are in association with and aspected by malefic.

Y-4- There is enmity between the native and his mother, if the lord of the 4th house is located in the 8th house from the lord of the Lagna, or in the 8th from Lagna, there is enmity between the native and his mother.


Y-1- The mother is long-lived, if there is a benefic planet in the 4th house, the significator of the 4th house is Moon i.e. also with a benefic & the lord of the 4th house is strong.

Y-2- The mother of the native lives long, if Moon and Venus are strong & are aspected by benefic & are located in the Navamsa of a benefic planet in the angle & there is benefic planet in the 4th house.

Y-3- The mother of the native lives long: See the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th house. Then see the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the planet, thus worked out, when the latter is strong, in angle from Lagna & from Moon.

Y-4a- The mother is short-lived, when Moon is in between malefic planets, with malefic and located in the 4th house, aspected by malefic.

Y-4b- The mother is short-lived; when the lord of the 4th house and Venus are similarly afflicted (i.e. between malefic planets, with malefic and aspected by malefic).

Y-5- The mother is short-lived, if Venus located in 7th from Moon is associated with malefic, the mother is short-lived.

The mother dies soon, if Saturn located in 4th house is aspected by malefic.

Y-6a- The mother of the native lives long, if Saturn located in the 4th house is under the aspect of benefic planets.

Y-6b- The mother is short-lived, Saturn in the 4th house is in the sign of a malefic planet and is also associated with a malefic.

N- When Saturn is in the 4th house, it represents two factors for the life of the mother i.e., the 4th house and the significator of longevity, both being in one place and adversely afflicted denote short life & when well influenced by benefic gives long life to mother.

Y-7- The longevity of the mother: Find out the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th house. Then see the lord of the Navamsa occupied by that lord. The longevity of the mother should be decided from the number of rays possessed by the latter lord.

Y-8- The longevity of the mother (another method): Find out the strongest from the 4th house, the lord of the 4th house and the significator of mother. The number of the Navamsa counted from Aries would determine.

Y-8- Rule if the strongest planet is in retrogression the number of years etc, should be doubled. If it is in maximum retrogression, it should be tripled, if it is aspected by benefic, it should be taken four times. Thus should the longevity be measured?


Shanker Adawal
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