For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

The astral energy of July, 21, 12 holds is of - Wavering and vacillation will predominant - the mind will be emotional / sensitive / a scattered - decisions should be avoided - best would be to rest and entertain yourself rather than deciding critical issues.

Thought Of The Day - We today learn through televisions and other means that Chocolate means increase in love. coffee means energy and drinks / masala promote adventure - all these have an impact and we take to them - the NET - NET is dependence on these external THINGS and reducing our INTERNAL STRENGTH - as soon as we get DEPENDENT ON EXTERNAL OBJECTS OUR INTERNAL HAPPINESS VANISHES. We are in a state of - WHAT IS THERE IN FOR ME FROM OUTSIDE ALWAYS - a state which we need to understand by our MIND & MEDITATION.

Shanker Adawal

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