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Planets, Signs and Houses: The Planets, Chapter II, Part – 79


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Effects of Navamsas in Virgo

The various Navamsas emanating from Virgo Ascendant at birth will give the following effects:

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, First Navamsa: The native will possess eyes, akin to that of an antelope, be a good speaker, be charitable, will enjoy sexual pleasures, be very rich, dark in complexion and large hearted.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Second Navamsa: The native will have a charming face, charming eyes and fair complexion, be soft, argumentative, fickle minded and long-bellied.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Third Navamsa: The native will have blown nose, prominent feet, long arms, pure speech, fair complexion an dbe friendly.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Fourth Navamsa: The native will be learned, will be sportive with the fair sex, be beautiful, sweet, blood red in complexion, sharp, intelligent, emaciated and will have charming eyes and face.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Firth Navamsa: The native will have large lips and hands, big body, broad chest, strong ankles and will depend on others.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Sixth Navamsa: The native will have charming appearance, impressive speech, splendorous body, be an exponent of Shastras, be very intelligent, skilful in writing and fine arts, be good hearted and will take pleasure in walking, or roaming.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Seventh Navamsa: The native will have a small face, elevated nose, compact arms, very fair complexion, prominent belly, hands and legs and will have fear for water.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Eighth Navamsa: The native will be very beautiful, fair in complexion, tall in stature, will have charming eyes, be fierce, honourable and will have long and stout arms and brown hair.

Effects of Virgo Ascendant, Ninth Navamsa: The native will be famous, will have charming physique, broad eyes, incomparable vigour, be skilful, be with stooping shoulders and be learned a writer.

Effects of Navamsas in Libra

The various Navamsas out of Libra Ascendant at birth will produce following effects:

Effects of Libra Ascendant, First Navamsa: The native will be fair complexioned, broad eyed, praiseworthy, long-faced, skilful in business, happy and famous.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Second Navamsa: The native will have squint and round eyes, elevated (ill formed) teeth, depressed waist, charming neck, large (physical) heart, ugly body and compact brows.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Third Navamsa: The native will be fair in complexion, will have a face, akin to that of a horse, be thin-bodied, famous, long-haired and long-nosed and will have beautiful legs.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Fourth Navamsa: The native will have weak hands, be timid, will have ill-formed teeth (some placed over others), weak body, rolling eyes, small nails, dark complexion and be devoid of virtues and be miserable.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Fifth Navamsa: The native will have majestic looks, be firm disposition, be not proud, rough haired, even-eyed and will possess a beautiful nose.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Sixth Navamsa: The native will have fleshy limbs, be fair in complexion, will have broad eyes, beautiful nose and white nails, be diplomatic and be learned in Shastras.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Seventh Navamsa: The native will be blood-red in complexion, be intelligent, will have long physique and long arms and a big head, be miserly, fierce and intelligent.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Eighth Navamsa: The native will have elevated shoulders and prominent neck, will enjoy pleasures, will have a coarse physique, long and dark brows, be a polite speaker and will have a beautiful chest and bruised head.

Effects of Libra Ascendant, Ninth Navamsa: The native will have charming eyes, pleased mind, be fair complexioned, even and beautiful bodied, be skilful, fond of arts, be charitable and jocular.

Effects of Navamsas in Scorpio

The Ascendant Sorpio will produce various following effects according to the nine Navamsas thereof.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, First Navamsa: The native will be short in stature, will have prominent lips and nose, charming forehead, strong and fair complexioned body with belly, akin to that of a frog and will act, as a marriage broker (ascertaining genealogy and negotiating marital alliances).

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Second Navamsa: The native will be fair in complexion, will possess a strong and broad chest and shoulders and reddish eyes, will conquer his enemies be valorous and will have abundant hair.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Third Navamsa: The native will be learned, will have strong shoulders and arms and beautiful hair, be endowed with clear speech, fair complexion and charming lips. He is born of a virgin.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Fourth Navamsa: The native will have an intent upon joining others wives, will induce others to be active, be valorous, tall, dark in complexion, dark-haired and dark eyed.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Fifth Navamsa: The native will be majestic, will possess copper-red eyes, depressed nose, be courageous, proud, will perform fearful acts, be famous and will have a strong physique.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Sixth Navamsa: The native will be impudent, intelligent of a high order, will have elevated nose and great strength, will be endowed with knowledge of justice (or be diplomatic), be skilful, will possess less hair and compact brows.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Seventh Navamsa: The native will have a split face, strong body, teeth in various sizes, depressed belly, squint sight and be very splendourous.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Eighth Navamsa: The native will have blown nose, be dark in complexion, devoid of virtues, dirty in appearance, will possess stiff hair and be foodhardy.

Effects of Scorpio Ascendant, Ninth Navamsa: The native will have a fair coloured physique, be beautiful, like a deer, will possess calm and tawny eyes and similar hair and strong body and be amiable to elders.


Shanker Adawal

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