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Planets, Signs and Houses: Vedic Astrology Myths and Facts, Chapter I, Part - 7


Dr. Shanker Adawal

The present chemical composition, mass and other characteristics of planetary atmospheres are the result of lengthy evolution. Mercury has a very tenuous helium atmosphere. The gaseous envelopes on Venus and Mars consist predominantly of carbon dioxide (CO2). On Venus, however, the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than on the surface of the Earth, and on Mars the atmosphere on the surface is about as tenuous as on the Earth at an altitude of 30 kilometres.

As regards the chemical composition of terrestrial planets, the heavier chemical elements – oxygen, silicon and iron – predominate. On the other hand, the chemical composition of the major planets, chiefly Jupiter and Saturn, is more like that of the stars, consisting predominantly of hydrogen (75%) and secondly of helium. The major planets are cold on the surface; they are composed of frozen and liquefied gases and are enveloped by an extensive atmosphere consisting of hydrogen, helium, methane and other admixtures. Rapid rotation, pronounced flattening at the poles, dark and light bands of clouds – these are further striking features of the major planets. It has been discovered that Jupiter and Saturn have their own source of internal heat, but this is apparently the result of the planet’s gravitational contraction, and not a sign of nuclear reactions going on inside them. Jupiter has a strong magnetic field, Mercury has a weaker magnetic field than the Earth, and Venus and Mars practically no magnetic field whatsoever.

The basic differences between the terrestrial and major planets are related to the formation and evolution of the Solar System. It is now generally accepted that the Sun and planets were formed simultaneously from a cloud of interstellar gas and dust that acquired the form of a rotating disc which then broke up into a great number of balls. The central part of the disc with the greatest concentration of mass became the Sun and the remainder gave rise to the other celestial bodies. This happened some 4.6 thousand million (4.6 x 109) years ago.

An idea of the different conditions on the planets may also be obtained from the following data. On Mercury the daytime temperature rises to about 400oC and to an observer there the Sun disc would be almost impossible to distinguish without a telescope; it would look like a very bright star and it would be possible to observe the other stars even during the daytime.

The above interesting information extracted from astronomy books about the planets does not help any human being.

In the olden times even up to the 16th century, astronomy was considered to be the hand maid of astrology. Astronomy enabled man to know the positions of the signs of the Zodiac, fixed stars and planets. Astrology related them with the terrestrial life and interpreted their influences in relation to the human being. Naturally the later was of greater interest to man- the predictive astrology.

The creation of universe according to Vedas

The vedic knowledge was not based on any speculation, the later discoveries has not been able to disprove the same.

The science of Vedic Astrology has great antiquity behind it. Vedas which are said to be the oldest religious literature available has reference to this science. In the Hindu astrological parlance it has first name a Vedanga Jyothisha, that means- Jyothisha or Astrology is one of the limbs of Vedas- 1500 BC.

Hindus were the ordinal masters who had the through knowledge of astronomy, with out its knowledge, it was very difficult for them to do many religious obligation. The earliest Astronomical works such as Surya siddanta, Vedanga Jyotisha are more than 5000 years old, long before Kepler, Copernious, Bohr, Galilio, and other galaxy of astronomers were born. The Hindu sages had already gained much knowledge on the steller and planetary universe. There are several verses devoted to explain the astronomical knowledge in Rig veda and Athar veda. The early siddanthas are Hindu astronomical works, which gives us the description and detail about the universe.


Shanker Adawal

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