For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Today's Astral Energy

The astral energy of March , 30 , 2012 says _ Though the mind will be wavering and with thoughts - plenty - take care not to slip from the situation or deceive yourself - avoid secrecy in dealings .

My Healing _ The thoughts make you to form a picture of expectation - when it does not happen you feel frustrated - start small - do not form pictures for the small things in life - accept that comes with love - you shall start learning detachment - getting bogged with learning's like detach yourself from greed - anger - lust may not be practical - start small - think small - practice daily - you will realize the benefit of this energy .
The astral energy of MARCH , 29 , 2012 SAYS: Be careful of the chattering mind - thoughts that tell you to be quick practical and a snake like .While dealing with authority take caution and do not take things at face value.
My Healing : Do not keep on writing the script of others - what the other person will think / act / feel / did you harm him / did you betray him - let these not come - you chose and you acted - it was your response - evaluate between rascals and a snake - choose a snake rather than a rascal - rascal will always byte you at each step while the snake will do it once only when destined. You are a powerful being .
Shanker Adawal

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