For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Todays' Astral Energy

The astral energy of Feb. , 14 , 2012 says - moon in the sign of Venus and Venus in Pisces - time to apply your mind on issues of relationship - love : the fairer sex will like to be on the right side and also would like to decide / slip out ---- . Time to talk and conclude relationships - take family on your side. Do not let your mind vacillate with a fatalistic attitude today.

My Healing Advice: Love can never be on the basis of being conditional. In relationships there is a period when there is NO condition and only acceptance - people spend the entire togetherness with the memory of those days - LOVE CAN NEVER FLOWER WHEN THERE IS EXPECTATIONS - Happy Valentine to all , Warmly.

Shanker Adawal

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