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Search Your Inner Soul via Mediation Part-5

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

1)      We have diverse traditions but the message is one i.e GOD IS ONE for all. To get to the God or TRUTH, you have to take the path of Meditation – the form is immaterial. You may meditate in any manner. Philosophers and religious thinkers belonging to different religions and with diverse moral traditions are in the common pursuit of TRUTH. We have an exiom ' Ekam Sat, Vipra Bahuda Vadanti' i.e. Truth is one though there are different ways to get to TRUTH.


2)      Moral systems outweigh religious practices which at times are made of rigid structures but ideas and ideals can intermingle to become complementary to each other. Meditation/ Mantras leading to Truth are all pervasive whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism or Christianity. In these series on meditation, some references have been made in earlier series i.e. VI and VII (with refer to Islam also). Briefly, some views are;


Taoism – we are functional parts of a harmoniously unified natural cosmos which is incarnation of the Rao which remains mysterious cosmos. Hinduism – Mutual belief that personalities and social roles existed and present behaviors that they existed – an experience that Atma- the soul becomes distinguishable from each other or from Brahma- the unrepresentable and mysterious reality of the cosmos.


Buddhism – we live in the knowledge that we are unique functional elements in a unified, casually inter-connected but inherently mysterious cosmos.


Hinduism- Mutal belief that personalities and social roles existed and present behavior that they existed – an experience that Atma – the soul becomes distinguishable from each other or from.


Brahma- The unrepresentable and mysterious reality of the cosmos.


Christianity – We are not to worship any graven images or elements in the cosmos, that the people often want to be Gods controlling the cosmos – infinitely mysterious as a whole or in part, that the people involve themselves in the self-deception, that the people can be freed from this self-inflicted slavery only if they sense that they are loved and loving by others in turn.


3)      Buddhism was born in India about 2500 years or so ago. According to it, the world is impermanent, anitya, everything ultimately perishes and attachment to worldly possessions and in suffering. The Buddha taught continuously for forty years after his enlightenment – teaching centered around suffering and their cessation. In other words, he taught people to attain enlightenment or  'Nirvana'. According to Buddhism, the four noble TRUTHS are:


·        That the world is full of suffering (Dukh).

·        That there is a cause of suffering (Dukh samudaya).

·        That the cause can be suppressed (Dukh samudaya nirodha)

·        And that there is a way which leads to cessation of suffering (Dukh nirodha marga).


4)      Peace is the pivot around which all teachings from all religions revolve. Ultimately, with meditation, the simple prayer for removing the suffering of humanity at large came – that the human being be made an instrument for peace, there should be no hatred and seeds of love be sown and the native must have the capacity of pardon, only faith be reposed against doubt, hope should be countered be despair, and show the light in darkness and be joyous instead of being sad.


5)      Meditation is also practiced in Islam. Truthfulness, justice and keeping of promises are three important virtues taught by Islam. To keep up these virtues, meditation serves the key and the native gets internal power to adhere to these virtues apart from being contented. Truthfulness impels that we should be honest to ourselves and others.


Shanker Adawal

Email: connectingminds@gmail.com, shankerstudy@gmail.com 

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