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Non Combination of the Horoscopes


Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
For giving happiness and dividing a person of marital happiness, believe it or not, planets have an important role to play. All parents, whether of boy or girl, would like and they internally desire to have their children settled after the marriage and the couple should live happily with all expected prosperity and children etc. This is how the human circle has come from ancient times. But, some of the persons (including parents) do hanker for properties and other material gains while giving their ward in marriage and in turn they expect some property for their child specially when the daughter or son happens to be the only child of their parents. Because, after the death of the parents, the whole property/business would devolve on them. In the present day-set-up, the number of children and how they are placed has become important factor for marrying a child. But, power of planets of DESTINY is above all these considerations. The hidden intentions of any person cannot be known merely while negotiating a marriage proposal. All these things would come to surgace after the marriage and treatment meted out by both the parties to each other (husband and wife and their parents).

Egoism and materialistic points of view and lack of respect for elders and for spouse have given rise to various factors for marital discord (unhappiness) leading ultimately to daily quarrelling, separation of divorce etc. The number of cases pending in family courts is known to all.

It may not be possible to refer to all the astrological principles but it would suffice to say that if 7th House reckoned from the Lagna or the Moon be occupied or aspected by the 9th Lord or other benefices, marriage will be happy and the wife, a loving and fortunate woman. If the 2nd, 7th and 12th lords are in kendras (angles or quadrants) or Trikonas (Trines) aspected by Jupiter, it indicates a happy marriage and a fertile wife. Benefices in 2nd, 7th or 11th house from the 7th Lord are capable or giving happy married life and the native will be bestowed with health and lucky children.

It is not necessary that only wife is harassed by the husband. There have been known cases where husbands have been harassed by the wife and parent-in-law. The following are some of the causes leading to unhappy married life:

Selection of a bad Mahurta (inauspicious time from any angle).

Non-combination of the horoscopes astrologically.

Lack of promise of marriage in the birth chart.

Celebration of the marriage at a wrong time – during the dasha of inauspicious planets.

Forcing the marriage where there is no promise of marriage in the birth chart or delay is indicated.

Querralsome nature of the wife – not adjusting with any member of the family of husband.

Wife coming under the influence of other relatives including parents.

Purposeful marriage to covet the property of so-called husband.

It may not be possible to multiply various examples but it would suffice to discuss the following horoscope of a Male native who had, as stated by him, had been harassed by his wife, the exact causes not told:

Date of Birth – 22.11.1964 Time of Birth: 10:10 a.m.

Latitude – 28:39 (North) Longitude – 77:13 (East)

Birth Chart









Planetary Position























































In the above horoscope Lagna was rising just in the third Drekkana (Ist Drekkan of Saggitarius is ruled by Mercurry, second by the Moon and third by Saturn) ruled by Saturn. Rising in this Drekkana itself speak of philosophical mind, passions are strong though sober in temperament (but as it would be noticed shortly the element of Mars definitely make the native a Hot-temper fellow). The native may acquire riches (wealth) with difficulty but he is sure to acquire (Saturn delays but does not deny). With lofty speculations and deep researches, success in literature is promised for this Drekkana (But this would depend on the totality of the planetary position of the native.)

Lagna Lord Jupiter is in Aries ruled by Mars but in the 4th Charan of Bharni ruled by Venus. The wife represented by Venus is in opposition i.e. in the 11th house (Venus in own sign Libra) but in the Nakshtra of Chitra ruled by Mars. Here again the angry nature of wife is indicated.

The known significators for marital happiness are 7th house, 7th Lord, 12th house and 12th Lord apart from 2nd house and 2nd Lord. Some consider 4th house also for domestic happiness. In this case the 7th house is occupied by the Moon who is lord of 8th house. It may be noted that the Moon alone in Kendras becomes responsible for delay in marriage and lack of marital bliss. This apart the Moon is in Nakshtras of Rahu who is known for eclipsing the Moon and the Sun. In this horoscope Rahu is in the 6th house and the Sun is in the 12th house (another house of comforts of bed). The Moon in the 7th house, inter-alia, speak of the native being passionate and easily aroused to jealousy, not known about the native in question. Though energetic and successful in life but may be narrow-minded. With waxing Moon, the native belongs to a good family (this astrological principle is confirmed). In Chandra Kundli, the 7th Lord Jupiter gets to 11th house (sign of Mars) and aspected by Saturn. In Navamasha the 7th house is aspected by Venus (Lagna Lord in Navamsha) but has proved to be of no help as the Mars, 7th Lord gets to 11th house with the Sun and Mars aspect the 2nd house having Jupiter and Saturn.

Coming to the 7th Lord Mercurry in the birth chart, it would be seen that 7th Lord Mercurry gets to an inauspicious house i.e. 12th house in the sign of Mars (Scorpio) with two malefiets i.e. the Sund and Ketu.

Mercurry is in the 12th house in the birth chart.

Mercurry is in the grip of Rahu and Ketu.

Mercurry is in the sign of Mars ruling the Venus, Saturn and Rahu Nakshtra-wise

Mercurry is aspected by Mars.

In Chandra Kundli, Mercurry gets to another inauspicious house i.e. 6th house with the Sun and in the grip of Rahu and Ketu and expected by Mars.

In Navamasha, Mercurry though gets to 5th house (a trine) but is in the sign of Saturn and aspected by two powerful malefies i.e. the Sun and Mars. (To sum up the 7th Lord Mercurry is under severe affliction.

When both the Karka of marriage (Venus) and 7th Lord are weak, the native may have dreams about women and may not marry. In this case, I donot known about the dreams (as not told by the native) but the delay in marriage is proved as the date of marriage was 8.9.1994.

The native was born under the mahadash of Rahu with a balance of 10 years and 9 months and 23 days. At the time of marriage the native was running Saturn-Mercurry which was upto 18.9.1994. In view of above position of Mercurry, the marriage should have been postponed. The engagement took place on 14.4.1995 during dasha of Saturn-Saturn-Jupiter which ended on 23.4.1994.

Actually the planetary position of the native did not favour marriage at the said time but had taken place because of the fact that it had already been delayed. Here comes the role of Astrology.

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