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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. - PUBLISHED September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. - PUBLISHED October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. - PUBLISHED October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity..... PUBLISHED December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings..... December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.....


Career of Ashwini Nakshatra Born Women!

1. Normally all the astrological principles applicable to men do apply to women but for certain inherent constitutional differences, little separate treatment has traveled to us from sages i.e./ why we had separate ‘angs’ of Astrology and Strse Jataka’ is one of such ‘angs’ (limbs). As is known, the whole astrology (Hindu astrology) is based on Nakshtras and planets governing them It would suffice to say here that persons born in each Nakshtras have different characteristics, features, career services or profession, happiness,marriage or no marriage (at times birth in a particular Nakshtra and at a particular degree gives no marital happiness-some people remain unmarried throughout their lives is well known not because of lack of their efforts wealth but because of the starts ruling them at the time of their birth.)
2. In all there are 27 Nakshtras, though some of the astrological works take them at 28 including ‘Abhijit’. The first such Nakshtra is ‘ASWINI’ and covers the first 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the ZODIAC extension. Aswini born persons have different nature, characteristics, features, appearance. For a lay man, it would suffice to say that the MOON was in Aswini at the time of the birth-Again, the degree/Pada/charan) of Aswini of go a long time way in determining the wealth, health, marital status and career of all whether men or women. Moon in Aswini at the time of the birth-Again, degree/Pada/charan) of Aswini go a long way in determining the wealth, health , marital status and career of all whether men or women. Moon in Aswini constitute the ‘Rasi’ (Janam Rasi) and as such the results can be cheeked.

3. The topic selected is the career of Aswini Born natives i.e. females only though the modern times all the professions are equally open and are being done by the women-folk. In the present time, I think in all the fields women have reached at the top and or are reaching the desired but destined goal. On may way to Indore by Air on 10th April, 1994, we were told that the Captain in Commend was Madam, Bhatia (If I remember the name correctly). Accordingly, tests laid down by our sages/rish need interpretation with reference to the modern times. Here, I would like to point out that even the little instance during journey from Bhopal out that even the to Indore proved and confirmed the role of planets on all matters-animate and inanimate. Retrograde Jupiter and under the influence of other malefic planet need not be elaborated for this article, the plane took off at the scheduled time 6.00 P.M. but after 18 minutes of flight, the plane had to return to Bhopal for the reasons given ‘bad weather conditions. Applying the Hora, I told a fellow passengers that the intimation to fly would come around 7.30 P.M. and the plane took off for Indore at 7.45 P.M.

4. According to the well laid principles of astrology, for determining the profession/service/business, 10th house from the Ascendent (Lagana) placement of the Lagana Lord, placement of 10th houses lord, position in Navansha chart and other technicalities have to be considered with while pronouncing the judgement with regard to career of the person concerned. At times, only the birth in a particular Nakshtra is and had been seem to be sufficient to determine the business/service/professions of the native concerned. So is the case with ‘Aswini’ Nakshtra. This Nakshtra is owned by the shadowy planet ‘Ketu’ and rises in the sign Aries ruled by Mars. Normally, Aswinin born natives including women have the following nature/characteristics:

Possess more resistance power, Tendency to resist or negative any ideas, whether right or wrong, Become cause of frequent friction in the family and also in public life, At times misunderstood for their actions though Aswini born/ persons are not bad at heart.

5. Women born in Aswini-1 (between 00.00 to 3.20 degree of the Moon ) do attain though position but, depending on their personal horoscope, are not liked by their associates and employees. They enjoy gracious personality and get ample opportunities to exchange ideas with learned people. Such opportunities to exchange ladies have been seen to occupy high position to the Corporate sector and Government service. The moment the Moon gets to Aswini-2 (3.20 to 6.40 degrees), the native becomes arrogant in life and depending on the personal planetary position may turn out to be a deceit or smuggler, The position of the Moon in Aswini at – 2-3 degrees had been declared dreadful but this needs more research by the Astrologers and other interested in astrology. Lovers of astrology may mail their views to the Editor. Astrilogy-The Soul of All. Birth in Aswini-3 (Moon degree 6.40 to 10.00) causes troubles throughout life with ups and downs and in some cases making the native irritant and quarrelsome. Though with ‘restless nature’ the natives have been seen to rise to the top position. In some cases, the natives become very learned, expert in various shastras and religious scriptures. These ladies are friend of those by whom they are impressed. Now the moon in Aswini-4 (10.00 to 13.20 degrees) enable the women to hold very good position provided the Sun is not in conjunction i.c. the Sun should be away from the Moon by 72 degrees at the time of birth. For such ladies, high education and acquisition of knowledge become the goal.

6. Apart from the 10th lord in the horoscope, see also which is the strongest planet in the horoscope and professions is determined accordingly i.e. in keeping with the nature/characteristics of the planet. Since Aswini has been equated with physician the ladies do become doctors, medical practitioners, ayurvedic doctors and other healers of human diseases. Military is another field now entry of women in the police and military is on the increase. The placement of MARS in Aswini become one of the following for significators for joining police/military.

7. Other professions services business for Aswini born women are: service in factories, receptionists in the offices of race-course advocates including criminal advocates Engineers, (including marine and mechanical engineers) service with jail and railways for women entrepreneurs, establishment of industries in iron, steel and cooper, with strong Jupiter, such ladies also become writers/authors, and accountants (chartered accountants) connected with financial affairs (service in companies).

8. Though out reaching at the top, such ladies do become politicians of the highest order specially when Venus is also between 6.40 to 10.00 degrees)makes the ladies Actresses a Aswini -4 (10.00 to 13.20 degrees) makes the ladies Actress a fine actor. Some of these ladies are highly endowed with music and become famous musician.

9. Service in secret and detective organizations is more paying for Aswini born females if they are interested in doing such jobs.

10. Closing our discussion, it would suffice to say that the sun in Aswini at 10 degree take the women to the highest post specially in Government or Government under taking or bank or bank and such institutions.

Dr. A. Shanker

Astro Research: www.Shankerstudy.com

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