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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. - PUBLISHED September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. - PUBLISHED October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. - PUBLISHED October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity..... PUBLISHED December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings..... December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.....


Description of the Inference of Planets!

We have described in detail the inference of planets in the preceding pages. However in some cases where either of the inference of amavasya and puranmashi are maintained in almanac or chart priority should he given to the actual time of birth (isht) as paksh or phase is its proximity. The inference to which another inference has proximity should be worked along with midnight point (mishrman) and movement (gati). Then a dhurva of the inference is to be established. First of all, make a midnight point of the day of birth. (Mishrman values midnight) Whatever gharis and pals of mishrman are obtained are to be written down separately. Also write down separately the days that have passed after Amavashya and Purnmashi except the days of Amavashya and Purnmashi. Further, just see whether the time of birth (isht) is above or under Amavashya and Purnmashi. If it is above the two exbude the ghari and pal of the time of birth by replacing them with just one number of 60. Add to it the no same planet may be adopted which has proximity to the inference of specified time of birth entered in the almanac.

Note 13: If the number day is not deducted from the day the lower day should med read by adding 7 to the number of that day.

Note 14: If the number of ghari and are not deducted from he number of ghari, then take form the number of day to establish its 60 gharis, subsequently add then to the gharis on the appear scale and subtracted from then the gharis on the lower scale. Similarly, if the number of pal are less than the number of pals on the lower scale take from numbers of ghari make its 60 pals and add to the pals which are greater than the pals on the lower scale reduce the pals on the lower scale. The remaining number of days, ghari and pal will be taken as gunantar or ikhyantar.

Note: The day of Mishrman and one’s own should the one and the same. If they a difference of seven days the difference will be worked only adding 7 to the day midnight foent (misherman) to th remaind. If the pals exceed 60 while totalling exclude one ghari to add it to gharis. In the event of number of of exceeding 60 exclude one ansh to add it to anshas. What are anshas. The ones set aside from amavashya and purnmashi. Having understood this much write down all the three numbers separately at suitable in tervals in a particular order, name by first ansha, second ghari and third pals a written specimen of which is given in the following pagess. In case the time of birth is under Amavashya or Purnmashi put one digit of 60 anol exclude the number of midnight point (mishrman). Add number of the time of birth to the remainder. Their calculations will remain as usual. This will become dhurva isht of all planets except Moon. Then all the planets with their respective movements we have described will be inferred. Regarding inferred planets it is to be noted that the time of birth prevaleul at noon on amavashya and purnmashi and the number of inference calculated from the movement of respective planets will be deducted from the recorded inference. The time of birth during under the day of birth mentioned and its number will be added to the obtained inference. The total obtained after adjustment will be the ackual inference of the time of birth (2). Wherever a inform of movement planet with reference to the inference of planets dccurs it must be remembered while doing. The calculation that there are two degrees of movement. One is of ghari and another of pal. If the number of the second degree namely pal is less then number 30 it is to be left out. Work out the number of ghairs. If the number of pals is more than 30 complete the calculation by adding one ghari to gharis. This will make calculation easy

and if there is any difference it will be of few pals. Write the number of movements under dhurva inference at all the three places. Then start calculation from the left hand side. Multiply the first ghari of the dhurva of pal to be divided by sixty. What is obtained is to be saved in writing. While the remainder is worth discarding. Later, multiply another grade of ghari and gati to be followed by addition of the quatient of third degree to the product and let the total again be divided by sixty. What is obtained will be saved while the remainder will be maintained as well. Further, the ashans of the first degree are to be multiplied by gati to which quotient of the second degree will be added and the total will be divided by sixty. The product will be the ansha of remaining ghari and pals of the second grade. If this number of ansh ghari and pal is to be increased or decreased in the inference one in, can do so. The resultant figure will give the inference of your required time. Solution to this problem is discussed in greater detail in the next chapter.

Dr. A. Shanker

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