Astrology is based on celestial houses (Raashi), planets,
nakshatras and their combinations. Ancient sages studied all these celestial
houses and established rules of their movement through specific calculations
besides depicting their celestial shape by instruments of observation about
which some people have doubts. They
claim that it is impossible to be so. However, their view is not sound as the
seers have established the shape of a celestial house as formed by clusters of
stars duly observed by then. If one casts a probing look into the darker side
of the sky, they will wonder to see different shapes being formed there with
the combination of a number of stars. Hence, objections become baseless in the
face of sterling evidence, clear experience and exact observation.
In this visual circle of the heaven all moving stars are floating on a destined route from which they never deviate. Earlier astrologers, after rigorous study, have divided this route into twelve stages and have named every stage as the house and the circle of twelve houses as the zone of houses (Zodiac). The reason for depicting the houses, for example, in the shape of ram, lion and Scorpio is that in establishing the limits of the twelve celestial houses of twelve visual portions with the help of clusters known as fixed or motionless stars have been imagined on speculation. They are known as imaginary and have speculative names to distinguish all these parts of heaven from each other.
Dr. A. Shanker
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