For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Visual Scope of our Galaxy with Hindu Vedic Astrology!

Ancient  philosophers have given a good deal of information about the mysteries of the Galaxy with  their speculation and inference. However, when great  scholars of astronomy pondered over the subject  they  concluded the presence of two  stars shining  in North and South  directions.  They  do not  move and remain stationary. The two  stars are famous as poles. One is North  Pole and the other  South  Pole. The two  stars are situated in the north  and south  directions on northern and southern  ends of the earth  facing  each  other in such  a manner  that  a straight line is assumed to  have been  drawn from one pole to  another  it will to  divide the celestial globe into two equal halves. It  is because when, standing  on the earth, we look  into  the sky, we can see its half  portion while another half  which  is under the earth  remains hidden. It  shows that  the earth  is located in the center of celestial globe. Now it  should be understood that the imaginary straight line drawn in this natural globe from north  to  south and the line  whose two  ends are pointing out  from east  to  west is the equator. The Axis is the point  on which  the two  lines are projecting out. Equator  Is the line that divides the globe into  two  equal halves. Circumference is the line that  measures a circle from one point to  another. A degree is the thirtieth  part of a circle A circle is the point which  cannot  be divided into parts. A minute is the sixtieth  part of a degree and is represented by  a slanting strip. Arc is the line drawn like a bow while the equatorial line is the line whose ends are projecting  out  from the globe. The two  ends are known as axis and global axis. The sky  revolves on this axis like a wheel. The circle formed from the  revolution of the sky is called the great  circle. 

Light of Moving stars

Moving  stars are characterized by with  two  types of rotation. One is the direct  daily rotation and the other is an annual indirect  rotation through  which the planed rotates on its axis. Annual rotation is one through  which  every  star revolves around the sun, whether  this revolution is from the east  to  the west or contrary  to  it. The creator did not  destine these planets to be idle and worthless. Rather,  the entire mechanism of the universe has been established in consonance with  their attraction and energy. These planets have such  an appeal that  the light  of one planet  illumines another. Millions of things and objects come into  existence from treasures hidden in the earth  and the mountains. Had these planets been void of such  attraction and magnetic pull the earth  would have wrapped the sun and the moon clung  to  the earth. On the other  hand, Venus would have embraced Jupiter  while the latter  would have broken into  pieces by  colliding  with Mars. The discipline of this mechanism is never disturbed due to  this mutual attraction and magnetic effect. One planet  attracts another  with  its energy  and force and one stays in its respective position with  the support  of another.

Dr. A. Shanker

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