For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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The Sun in Taurus and Moon in Taurus

This combination gives a considerable amount of determination and those born under its influence are not easily thwarted in their purposes. Equable, friendly, companionable, cheerful and maybe musical or artistic, they possess a great amount of self-control but are rather too self-contained, too reserved and often secretive; are nevertheless remarkably strong characters, fearless, persistent and hopeful, possessing much feeling and an affectionate nature.

They easily attain to great success in the financial world; yet they appear to have a disregard for finance although they cannot help being often very much mixed up with it. This combination is the most solid and practical of influences, but there is a danger of becoming too obstinate.

When obedience has been developed they make very fine characters. There is a tendency, however, to become too self-centered, too determined or too secretive. There is a predisposition to apoplexy and to suffering from the eyes if the Moon is afflicted.

Dr. Shanker Adawal,

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