For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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Zodiac Mantras

So far, we have discussed the mantras and stotras of the planets and their effect on the native. The zodiac signs also play a significant role in the life of the native. The zodiac signs are also checked for the purpose of interpretation. They are twelve in number. Each of the zodiac sign has its planet which governs the sign besides there are planets which are either debilitated in the sign. We should have this much of knowledge about them. This book no way deals with astrology and we understand that our esteemed readers are well versed in this part. However, are those readers who want to practice the mantras on their own All theses mantras are recited for hundred and eight times in the morning along with the mantra of the lord of the house. It is considered more useful for the native.

Aries is a fiery planet whose lord is Mars. Sun is exalted in this sign whereas Saturn is debilitated here. It rules head and brain. It is a moveable sign. As it is an energetic sign, persons ruled by it are either in services, police, surgeons or other related jobs. If the significator planets are not strong in the natal chart then the native suffer from headache, diseases of impure blood, stammering constipation etc. Person having Aries ascendant or Moon Sign Aries should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:

Om Dhim Shrim Laxmi narayana Namah||

Taurus is an earthy sign whose lord is Venus. It is an earthy sign. Moon is exalted in this sign whereas Ketu is debilitated here. It rules right eye, neck and throat. Those who have good position of its lord in the chart enjoy good health, otherwise problems like poor digestion, disorder of throat, eyes, teeth they have to suffer. Person having Taurus ascendant or Moon Sign Taurus should recite this mantra. This mantra is to recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:

Om Gopalay uttardvajaya namah||

Gemini is an airy sign. Its lord is Mercury which signifies communication and confidence. Gemini is a dual natured planet. It signifies hands, shoulders, respiratory and nervous system in the natal chart. Native who has lord of the sign posited in the chart in the house of exaltation is found to be in the profession of accounts, computer, communications, authors, journalism, engineering etc. Persons having weak ascendant or Moon sign Gemini are having diseases like hypertension, headaches, congestion and respiratory diseases etc. To propitiate it they should recite this mantra daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:

Om Krim Krishnai namah||

Cancer is a watery sign. Its lord is Moon. Cancer is a sign which is changeable in nature and tender. Cancer rules rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. Cancerians are in the job of administrators, public relations, healers, nurses, housekeepers, hoteliers, restaurant owners, catering professional cooks, eating establishment. Person having Cancer ascendant or Moon Sign Cancer should recite this mantra. They may develop diseases like mental maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastria region, lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice etc. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:

Om Hrim Hringarbhaya Avyaktrupine Namah||

Leo is a fiery planet. It is fixed and positive sign. Its lord is Sun which is significator of vitality intelligence, male progeny, social status and magnificence. This sign rules upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. Person having Leo ascendant or Moon sign Leo joins services, medicine related, high administrative nature. They may develop problems related to bone, acidity, liver etc. Person having Leo ascendant or Moon sign Leo should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is :-

Om Klim Brahamane Jagadadharaya namah||

Virgo is an earthy sign. It is a dual natured, negative, female planet. Mercury is exalted here whereas Venus is debilitated in Virgo. Its lord is Mercury. It is signification of abdominal, nervous system, kidneys etc. Persons having ascendant or Moon sign Virgo are good in communicative skills, attractive, charming, prudent and cautious. If natal Mercury is weak, the person has prominent veins, lacks witticism and has no charm. Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and the Mercury, Virgo’s become accountants, artists, craftsmen, draftsmen, teachers, mathematicians etc. Person having Virgo ascendant or Moon Sign Virgo should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:-

Om Pim Pitambaraya namah||

Libra is an airy sign. It is movable and positive in nature. Its lord is Venus. Saturn is exalted in this sign whereas Sun is debilitated here. Libra is significator of lumbar region and lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, bladder and inner sexual organs such as overies, uterus, testicles and prostate gland. It develops diseases related to these parts, if the lord is debilitated. Librans are in the profession of acting, finance, hotels, legal services, management, musicians and physicians etc. Person having Libra ascendant or Moon sign Libra should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:-

Om Tatavniranjanaya tarak ramaya namah||

Scorpio is a watery sign, its lord is Mars. Ketu is exalted in this sign and Moon is debilitated here. This sign rules outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus, etc. Person having debilitated position suffers from piles, fissure, urinary infections boils and operations etc. Persons having Scorpio ascendant or Moon sign Scorpio should recite this mantras. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:-
Om Narayana Suryasinghaya namah||

Sagittarius is a fiery sign. It is dual natured and positive in nature. Its lord is Jupiter. It is signification of ambitious nature and eager to learn and with good judgement. Sagittarians are vulnerable to diseases like anaemia, poor digestions flatulence, disorders of liver/ gall bladder, jaundice, high fevers, diabetes, rheumatism and troubles in hips and thighs. As Jupiter is lord of sign, persons are in the profession of advice giving or teaching such as businessmen, trainers of jobs, financial advisors and other related jobs. Persons having Sagittarius ascendant or Moon sign Sagittarius should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is :-
 Om Shrim Devkrishanaya Udarjaya namah||

It is an earthy sign. Its lord is Saturn. It signifies dutifulness and responsibility. Mars is exalted in this sign whereas Jupiter is debilitated here. It is movable sign, negative and female in nature. Capricornia’s body suffer from disease like joint pains/ inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases, and allergies. They choose profession such as businessmen, agriculturists, lawyers, leaders, politicians etc. Person having Capricorn ascendant or Moon Sign Capricorn should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:

Om Shrim Vatsalaya namah||

 Aquarius is an airy sign ruled by Saturn. It signifies dutifulness and responsibility. It is fixed, positive, male, talkative and biped sign signifies honesty, ideals and sensitiveness in the native. Good health of Aquarians depends on the position of the Moon. If Moon is not positioned well, being the lord of sixth house, they tend to suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds etc. Aquarians take jobs such as servantas, thinkers, writers and religious teachers etc. Person having Aquarius ascendant or Moon Sign Aquarius should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is :-

Om Shri Upendraya acchutaya namah||

Pisces is a watery sign. Its lord is Jupiter. It signifies fortune and knowledge. Venus is exalted here and Mercury is debilitated. It is dual in nature. It is negative, female, fruitful and footless sign. Pisceans are generally gentle, cheerful, empathetic, caring, dutifulness attitude etc. When Sun is strong they remain healthy otherwise they tend to suffer from gout pains, joint pains and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system feet, toes, bones of the feet. Person having Pisces ascendant or Moon Sign Pisces should recite this mantra. This mantra is to be recited daily in the morning. The mantra for recital is:-

Om Klim uddhritaya uddharine namah||

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