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Saguna Mantras

Mantras used by spiritual aspirants to achieve God Realization are called deity Mantras. They are Saguna, with qualities or form producing and aid the conceptualisation process, just as do visual symbols.

In time, recitation gives rise to the actual form of the particular deity. As a specialized sound body of consciousness, the Mantra is the deity itself. The form of the deity manifests as the visible portion of the sound. The Mantra, therefore, must be repeated in the proper way, with attention to the syllables and rhythm. If translated, it ceases to be a Mantra because sound vibrations newly created in translation cannot evoke it. Only the rhythmical vibrations of the Sanskrit syllables properly recited can regulate the unsteady vibrations of the worshipper and permit the form of the deity to arise.

Some Popular Saguna Mantras:

Om Sri Maha Ganapataye Namah||
(Mantra for worshiping the great Lord Ganesha)
Description- Om is the original, most powerful Mantra sound. It is a part of almost every other Mantra, and serves to invoke pure supreme vibrations. Sri is a title of reverent respect. Maha means great. Ganapati is another name of Ganesha who is symbolized as the elephant headed God, representing strength and fortitude. He is the remover of obstacles and bestowed of success.

Om Namah Shivaya||
(Mantra for worshiping Lord Shiva)
Description- Shiva is the lord of ascetics and recluses. He is part of the Hindu Trinity. Shiva, the Cosmic Dancer, presides over the destructive energies, which break up the universe at the end of each age. In a more personal sense, it is Shiva’s energy by which one’s lower nature is destroyed, making way for positive growth.

Om Namo Narayanaya||
(Mantra for worshiping Lord Vishnu)
Description - Narayana is the name of Vishnu, the preserver of the world. After the Creation, it is the energy of the Vishnu, which maintains order of the universe. People who are closely involves in the running of the world and maintaining the harmony of life are drawn to this aspect of God.

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah||
(Mantra for Maa Lakshmi)
Description- Goddess Lakshmi is the bountiful provider. As Vishnu’s consort, she aids in the preservation of the three worlds by bestowing wealth and abundance of a material and spiritual nature.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya ||
(Mantra for worshiping Lord God, Vasudeva)
Description- Vasudeva, means, “He who abides in all things and in whom all things abide, “is a name of Krishna. Krishna is one of the most loved of all deities. He is considered to be a world teacher for he is the sources of the “Bhagavad Gita”, one of the most popular of all the Eastern religious texts. This mantra can fulfil all the desires of devote.

Om Sri Durgayai Namah||
(Mantra for Maa Durga)
Description- Maa Durga represents the motherhood aspects of God. She is the force, or ‘shakti’, through which Divinity manifests. Durga is power. She is the protector and benefactor. According to Hindu mythology, the chaitanya, or pure consciousnesses, of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva were untied to form the being of Maa Durga.

Om Aim Saraswatyai Namah||
(Mantra for worshipping Maa Saraswati)
Description- Aim is the beeja or seed mantra of Maa Saraswati, the source of all learning, wisdom and knowledge of the arts and music. She is Brahma’s consort and is involved with the creation of new ideas and things. Responsible for bestowing wisdom and knowledge.

Om Sri Maha Kaalikayai Namah||
(Mantra for worship Maa Kaali)
Description- Maa Kaali is that divine aspect which is responsible for the destruction and eradication of negative qualities and evils in this world. She is the transformative power of Divinity, which dissolves the individual into cosmic union. Maha Kaali is one of the most fearsome of all the expressions of the Divinity.

Om Sri Ramaya Namah||
(Mantra for worshiping Lord Rama)
Description- Bhagwaan Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu, took life on earth for the purpose of upholding righteousness and rewarding virtue. Rama lived the life of perfection and responsibility. Rama and Sita epitomized the devotional relationship between husband and wife.

Om Sri Hanumate Namah||
(Mantra to be Blessed by Hanuman)
Description- Hanuman is the perfection of devotion. He is the greatest and the most selfless devotee of Lord Rama. In the Hindu tradition, he is considered to be semi- deity, for he is the son of the wind- God and called “Pawanputra”. He possesses great strength and courage. He removes all types of fears from mind.

Om Hrim Hrim Srim Srim Laksmivasudevaya Namah||
For attaining Dharma, Artha. Kama and Moksa this Mantra is to be repeated at all Times.

 Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.comResearch work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology: www.shankerstudy.com
www.shankerstudy.com, www.shankarsastro.com
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