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Encyclopedia of Vedic Astrology: Planetary Transit: What is Transit, Chapter I, Part - 5


Dr. Shanker Adawal

1.4 Aspects/ Influences

Part 2

1.4.2 In addition, there are a number of minor aspects, which initially one may ignore, but eventually one will encounter an event that is signified entirely by a complex multiple transit by minor aspects. Some of the commonly used minor aspects are as under:

i) Semi-sextile (30 degree): This aspect seems to create some tension/ discomfort about the issues signified by the planets or houses involved in transit, because in bridges two adjacent signs, which have no connection with each other. The adjacent signs are of different element, quadruplicity and polarity.

ii) Semi-square/ Ses-quiduadrate (45/135 degree): Both the aspects are similar in nature and represent a dynamic link between the planetary energies that is likely to produce change and tension, if one is unable to go along with the changes involved. This aspect are quite significant in transit, but only when several such aspects occur at once or when one occurs in conjunction with a major aspect.

iii) Quintile/ Bi-quintile (72/ 144 degree) These may not be minor so much as misunderstood. They relate to forces that combine to bring about metamorphoses or fundamental changes in one’s life. Usually they are very creative energies, but they may become destructive if blocked. Their symbolism has qualities of Venus, in that they can create new structures and destroy old ones.

iv) Quincunx (150 degree): The transits by quincunx relate to situations that seems to arise spontaneously in the environment and that force one to make a fateful change that affects one’s later life. Such events may coincide with health crises as well as accidents.

1.4.3 It is perhaps permissible to allow up to six degrees’ orb for trines, conjunctions, oppositions; up to three degrees’ orb for ses-quiquaderate (moderately good aspect at a distance of 135 degrees), and Quincunx (major evil aspect at a distance of 150 degrees); two degrees for squares & sextiles; and not more than one degree for semi-square (slightly adverse aspect at a distance of 45 degree), semi-sextiles (mildly benefic aspect at a distance of 30 degrees) and quintile (mildly benefic aspect at a distance of 72 degrees). However please note that Jupiter’s opposition is always benefic and is an exception. All other types of aspects are best regarded as immaterial. These aspects may be planet to planet or planet to a cusp of the house.

1.4.4 While a planet is aspecting by transit a planet/ house in a birth chart, the transiting planet exerts a temporary influence corresponding to its general nature, strength and the type of aspect formed, upon the features of the personality, body and psychology governed by the aspected point in the birth chart. Whatever the nature of the influence, it will adjust the conditions of the aspected point in the birth chart while it lasts and may variously offset, clash with, harmonize with or accentuate the effects of the natal aspects and sign & house position of the point. Transits to the houses exactly resemble natal chart placements of planets in the house. When a planet is transiting a particular house, its influence will be experienced as per principles governed by the transiting planet temporarily upon the areas of life corresponding to the transited house within three degrees of the cusp of the house.


Shanker Adawal

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