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Why "Namaskar" is not hand shake?

Namaskar is a great and scientific method for respect to his/her friends, relatives etc. Read this artical:

'Paying obeisance' i.e. Namaskar is a sattva predominant impression on the Hindu mind, an action that maintains the rich heritage of Hindu culture.

While visiting places of worship and viewing the Deities or after meeting a elderly or a respected person our hands are automatically
joined together in Namaskar. Namaskar is a sattva predominant impression on the Hindu mind, an action that maintains the rich heritage of Hindu culture. Namaskar is a simple and beautiful act of expression of divine qualities like devotion, love, respect and humility that endows one with Divine energy.

Nowadays, perhaps due to ignorance about the Science of Spirituality or the increasing influence of the western culture, many people shake hands.

Why is it not appropriate to shake hands?

Avoid a Hand Shake: It tranfers undesirable raja-tama components! In short, in a handshake, the raja-tama components in one person will get transferred to the other person, thereby lowering his sattvikta (Purity levels). While practicing Spirituality, our objective is to perform acts which increase our sattvikta.

If at all they do Namaskar by joining their palms, it is done just as a formality. As the act is not based on faith, the benefit derived from it is minimal. Along with faith it is essential that every religious act be correctly performed according to the Science of Spirituality, so that it gives complete benefit. In this series, as with the others, along with information on various methods of doing Namaskar, the Science in them is also explained. Understanding the Science will help in strengthening faith in the act. Such an act correctly performed with faith, will yield corresponding benefits.

Mistakes made while doing Namaskar counter its benefit. Hence incorrect acts that need to be avoided while doing Namaskar are also mentioned in this series, with the scientific explanation. Similarly, guidance has been provided on who not to do Namaskar to. We make this prayer at the Lotus Feet of Sri Guru - 'Let all imbibe the methods of doing Namaskar mentioned here and hand them on to the future generations.' - Editor

Q. How does one do Namaskar to an individual of the same age group?

Doing Namaskar to each other

A. When meeting someone of the same age-groupdo Namaskar by joining the fingers and placing tips of the thumbs on the Anahat chakra (at the centre of the chest). This type of Namaskarincreases the spiritual emotion of humility in the embodied soul. Sattva frequencies from the universe are attracted by the fingers (which act as an antenna) and are then transmitted to the entire body through the thumbs which have awakened the Anahat chakra. This activates the soul energy of the embodied soul. In addition, by doing Namaskar in this manner to each other, frequencies of blessings are also transmitted.

What is the meaning and the benefits of 'Namaskar'?

The word 'Namaskar' is derived from the root 'namaha', which means paying obeisance (Namaskar) or salutation.
There are various ways in which one can do Namaskar. The various mudras or positions and methods along with the intention with which one must do each form of Namaskar are discussed and explained in this series.

Origin and the meaning of the word 'Namaskar' The word 'Namaskar' is derived from the root 'namaha', which means paying obeisance (Namaskar) or salutation.

From Science of Justice - 'Namaha' is a physical action expressing that 'you are superior to me in all qualities and in every way'.

The main objective of doing Namaskar to someone is to derive spiritual as well as worldly benefits.

Worldly Benefits
By doing Namaskar to a deity or a Saint, unknowingly their virtues and capabilities are impressed upon our minds. Consequently we start emulating them, thus changing ourselves for the better.

Spiritual Benefits
Increase in humility and reduction of ego While doing Namaskar, when one thinks, 'You are superior to me; I am the subordinate. I do not know anything, you are omniscient', only then does it help in reducing the ego and increasing humility.

Enhancement in the spiritual emotion of surrender and gratitude While doing Namaskar when thoughts like 'I do not know anything', 'You alone get everything done', 'Grant me a place at Your Holy Feet' come to mind, only then does it help in increasing the spiritual emotion of surrender and gratitude.

Gaining the sattva component and faster spiritual progress a. We receive the highest amount of sattva component from the posture (mudra) of Namaskar.

b. By doing Namaskar) to Deities or Saints we receive subtle frequencies emitted by them, e.g. frequencies of sattva or Bliss.

c. By doing Namaskar to Deities or Saints we also receive their blessings in a subtle form. This helps in hastening spiritual progress.

What is correct method & science of doing Namaskar to God?

By paying obeisance in this manner, the Deity's divine consciousness is absorbed to a greater extent in the body, as compared to other methods of paying obeisance.

What is the correct way of paying doing Namaskar?
A.    'While paying obeisance to God, bring the palms together.
1. The fingers should be held loose (not straight and rigid) while joining the hands or palms.
2. The fingers should be kept close to each other without leaving any space between them.
3. The fingers should be kept away from the thumbs.
4. The inner portion of the palms should not touch each other and there should be some space between them.

Note: The stage of awakening of spiritual emotion (Bhav) is important to the seeker at the primary level. Hence, for awakening spiritual emotion (Bhav), he should keep space in between the joined hands, whereas a seeker who is at the advanced level should refrain from leaving such space in between the palms to awaken the unexpressed spiritual emotion (Bhav).

B. After joining the hands one should bow and bring the head forward.

C. While tilting the headforward, one should place the thumbs at the mid-brow region, i.e. at the point between the eyebrows and try to concentrate on the feet of the Deity.

D. After that, instead of bringing the folded hands down immediately, they should be placed on the mid-chest region for a minute in such way that the wrists touch the chest; then only should the hands be brought down.

Underlying Science in this action

A. The fingers should not be stiff while bringing the palms together because this will lead to a decrease in Sattva component from the vital and mental sheaths and thus increase the raja component in them.

By keeping the fingers relaxed, the subtlest Sattva component will get activated. With the strength of this energy, embodied souls are able to fight powerful distressing energies.

B. In the Namaskar posture, the joined fingers act as an antenna to assimilate the Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) or the Energy transmitted by a Deity. While joining the palms, the fingers must touch each other because leaving space between the fingers will result in accumulation of energy in that space. This energy will be immediately transmitted in various directions; therefore the seeker's body will lose the benefit of this potent energy.

C. About the space to be maintained between the palms:

For a seeker at the primary level, it is advisable to leave space between the palms; it is not necessary for a seeker at an advanced level to leave space between the palms.

D. After joining the palms, bow a little. This posture puts pressure on the navel and activates the five vital energies situated there. Activation of these vital energies in the body makes it sensitive to accepting sattvik frequencies. This later awakens the 'Atma shakti' (i.e. soul energy of an embodied soul). And later, Bhav is awakened. This enables the body to accept in large measures the Chaitanya
emitted by the Deity.

E. Touch the thumbs to the mid-brow region. (Please see images above.) This posture awakens the Bhav of surrender in an embodied soul, and in turn activates the appropriate subtle frequencies of Deities from the Universe. They enter through the ’Adnya chakra’ (Sixth of the 7 chakras in the Kundalini) of the embodied soul and settle in the space parallel to it at the back interior of the head. In this space the openings to all the three channels converge; namely, the Moon, the Central and the Sun channels. Due to the movement of these subtler frequencies in this space, the Central Channel is activated.

Consequently it facilitates the speedy transmission of these frequencies throughout the body, leading to purification of both the gross and subtle bodies at the same time.

F. After doing Namaskar, to completely imbibe the Chaitanya of the Deity (that has entered the hands by now), instead of bringing the folded hands down immediately, place them on the mid-chest region in such a way that the wrists touch the chest.

The 'Anahat chakra' is located at the centre of the chest. Akin to the Adnya chakra, the activity of the Anahat chakra is also to absorb the Sattva frequencies. By touching the wrists to the chest, the Anahat chakra is activated and it helps in absorbing more of the Sattva component.

Effect of this Posture

By doing Namaskar in this manner, the Deity's Chaitanya is absorbed to a greater extent by the body, as compared to other methods of doing Namaskar. This gives maximum distress to negative energies. The negative energies that have manifested in a person are unable to touch their thumbs at the mid-brow region in Namaskar. (The negativeenergies are subtle. But at times they enter an individual's body and manifest it. - Editor)'

Q. What is the reason for not wrapping a cloth around the neck while performing circumambulation, doing Namaskar, ritualistic worship,sacrificial fires, chanting and while visiting Guru and deities?

A. When a cloth is wrapped around the neck, it does not activate the Vishuddha chakra (in the throat region) and hence an individual gets less benefit of the Sattva component. (More information on this is given in Sanatan's Publication 'Part 3: Vol 29: Bhaktiyoga 4: 'Spiritual Science in the ritualistic worship with sixteen substances'.)

Why should one always do Namaskar to elders?

Paying obeisance (Namaskar) to the elders in the family is one way of surrendering to the God principle in them.

Meaning: When an elderly person arrives, the vital energy of the young person starts rising and when he gets up and does Namaskar, it returns to normal. - Manusmruti 2.120; Mahabharat, Udhyog, Chapter (Section) 38.1, Sr. no. 104, 64-65

Explanation: 'As the sojourn of the elderly person is gradually towards the southern direction, that is, towards the region of Lord Yama (towards death), his body starts emitting raja and tam a frequencies on a high scale. When such an elderly person comes in the vicinity of any younger individual, these frequencies start affecting the younger person. A subtle magnetic field is created between the two. Consequently, the vital energy of the younger person is pulled upward. This way the younger person can suffer due to sudden momentum
to his vital energy. When this younger person doesNamaskar to the elderly person, some amount of the Central channel of his Kundalini system is activated and the Sattva component in it starts increasing.

Consequently the raja and tama components in him are influenced by the Sattva component and the vital energy comes back to normal state.

Hence on arrival of an elderly person, it is customary for the younger individuals to do Namaskar to them.'

Doing Namaskar to elders

When travelling, prior to the commencement of a journey and upon returning, why should one do Namaskar to elders in the family?

'Namaskar to the elders in the family is one way of surrendering to the God principle in them. When an embodied soul bows in Namaskar to an elder by surrendering to the God principle in him, at that time a sense of compassion is created in his body. This compassion percolates right upto his subtle body. At that time, energy of his mind is activated and in turn activates the five vital energies, which are located at the seat of the Manipur chakra (situated in the Naval region). Transmission of these five vital energies all over the body then awakens the soul energy. With the strength of the soul energy, the Central channel gets activated and converts the expressed energy of spiritual emotion to the unexpressed energy of spiritual emotion.

With the help of this unexpressed energy of spiritual emotion, the embodied soul, through the medium of elders, gains the required Deity's principle from the Universe. For this purpose, while leaving the house on a journey, the embodied soul should do Namaskar to elders and with the strength of Sattva frequencies has to protect him-self from distressing frequencies in the atmosphere. Similarly, returning from a journey, one should immediately do Namaskar to elders and awaken the God principle in them, which would disintegrate the
raja-tama particles from the air around him, which might have been brought along.

(This Artical taken from another sources)
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