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Essential Planetary Principles of Moon

Essential Planetary Principles of Moon

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

The Moon reflects the light of the Sun on the earth. The Sun is the creator and the Moon is the protector of creation or it causes development of created beings. It is repository (reservoir) of life and develops energy, vitality, vigour of life. This is why its role is so important and essential in ascertaining a child’s longevity and physical strength.

In astrology the Moon is the chief governor for the mind and the mother (mother earth on which the Moon reflects the Sun’s light). It is the collector of aspects and influences, and acts only in accordance with the sign she is in having no definite nature of its own; she is in fact coloured, by the sign properties through which it passes. Her influence and mission is to reflect the light. As she moves out from the Sun, she gathers up the influence on her way until she reaches the full; then she returns laden with fruits of experience to the Sun and once more remerges clean for a new experience.

In the outer world, the Moon signifies mother and women generally, female occupations and those who follow them such as maid servants, midwives, nurses, in the State, the Queen, Prime Minister (woman), Minister (woman), the President (if a woman) or the President’s wife and other ladies of title and rank; also the common people, water and liquids in general, persons who follow occupations concerned with these, sailors, fishermen, brewers, ships, harbours, places and houses near water, travelers, vehicles, baths, food, colours, violet and silver and silvery white metals, Moonstone, opals, milk, white stones, etc.

In consciousness it signifies sensation, instincts, impulses, feelings belonging to home and domestic life; ideas that are not abstract but are applied to concrete purposes and practical ends; cautiousness, economy, receptivity, imagination, impressionability, changeableness, some kind of psychic faculty and media.

In body it signifies in a general sense the substance of the body as distinguished from the vitality flowing through it; the stomach and digestion, bladder, breasts, womb, child bearing and the female functions; the nervous system in part, particularly the cerebrum, the base of the brain and the lower ganglia; the eyes; the eternal double of the body.

Disease: disease of the stomach, cough and cold, lunacy, disease of the nerve, phthisis, colic pain, intestinal disease, kidney disease.

Metal: Conch shell, Silver, Moonstone. It signifies Calcium.

Colour: Whiteness.

Vacation: Clerkship, dealer of silk or fine machineries, or business concerning watery things.

Birth star: Krittika and Rohini.

Digit: 2, 5, 15, 17, 49.

Strength: The full Moon attains the maximum strength when the Sun and the Moon are associated with stars (Nakshatras) No. 3, 4, 5. When the Moon is weak in a man’s birth chart or he is associated with his enemy or natural malefic or he is debilitated the native becomes ficdkle minded. When the Moon is aspected by or conjoined with Saturn, the native becomes moody, gloomy, or pensive temperamentally and at the same time he (the native) becomes morose and sorrowful.

When the Sun has set and the earth is left in darkness, the Moon appears in the sky to hold like a mirror the rays off the descended Sun before our eyes and that is why the Moon in our horoscope symbolizes contemplative, sensitive thought, and the sign in which it is placed determines the nature of our motions and of our personality. In the same manner as the Moon, gives the memory the reflection of the light that was, so through in its influences, we have our memory, our remembrance and the “logging” for what we have already experienced as pleasant, which is connected with it. In the case of children and people in the state of nature, who live exclusively on their emotions, the Moon has much influence.

Whereas the Sun people are able to help many of our fellowmen, those with a harmoniously placed Moon are themselves generally helped by others, Through their sensitiveness (negative) they unconsciously appeal to the protection of those more positively inclined, and therefore are able to go through life fairly easily. If, however, the Moon is weakly or inharmoniously posited, it makes the nature liable to domination by the less developed. The Moon indeed favours the growth of all that that the Sun germinates, but it also furthers the spreading of all kinds of poisonous gases.

This dual nature, which both gives and takes, characteristic of the Moon, is found also in the sign Cancer (or karkata) ruled by it. So here too one finds the wish to retain and yet to give every thing, the mother who has given the child of her innermost being, but cannot renounce the child.


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