For the Students of Hindu Vedic Astrology by Dr. A. Shanker

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JUNE 30, 2010 - Todays Trends + Stocks + Birthday Forecasts + Sun Sign Forecast + Your Evening

MY GENERAL ASTRO TIP FOR JUNE 30, 2010: The day will have some plan change and inseciurity in activities planned.

IF IT IS YOUR BITHDAY TODAY: In profession you will gain but family/finace issues you will need to be cautious. Good for negotiations and dealing with autority. In finace papr investments will be good for you – ULIPS , Mutual Funds etc.

STOCKS: Generlly a day when back room tactics will be done to set things in order as the nodes dominate – evaluate and invest. Long term should be the motto.

ARIES: Actions if planned with finace/job/authority – expect changes/reversals – plan your moves.

TAURUS: Issues with your self / autority/finance – some frustration – stay away form schemers/back stabbers.

GEMINI: Make big plan in business but do adjust to reality.Do not argue with spouse and partners.

CANCER: Good day to enjoy and get into relationships + positive for business. Struggle with family.

LEO: Do not take people for franted. Be secretive in your endeavors if you want to gain.

VIRGO: Struggle with elder / autority / family – negotiate with logic to settle matterd if they be there.

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