Mars & Mercury: Mercury in Various Houses, Chapter XX, Part – 17


Dr. Shanker Adawal

My Thoughts: When Yavanjaatak and Hillajaatak refer to a person’s wealth being destroyed at the age of 14, it must be kept in mind that usually children do not possess wealth at that age. Hence, this must be interpreted to mean that the person’s ancestral inheritance gets destroyed. Where Gopal Ratnakar talks of many sons, an unknown astrologer says the person has seven sons. The first is true of feminine signs and the other in masculine signs. All the beneficial traits are seen in the masculine signs and all the negative ones in feminine signs.

My Experience: Mercury is not a planet which brings death. Hence, the most it can do at its worst malefic state is to bring some chronic ailment. Therefore what Kashyap says that there are twelve types of horrific death signified by Mercury, is absolutely meaningless. The Western Thought line which speaks of ailments of the forehead are correct. That is because this person’s leanings are towards ancient learning. He could be an astrologer. His wife is good but speaks too much. She is, however, peaceful and lives happily with her husband. She does not discuss family matters with outsiders. She is somewhat a spendthrift. These are the traits seen when Mercury is in a masculine sign. In a feminine sign, the wife is not a good person and tends to discuss personal family matters with outsiders. The person’s study of the scriptures is incomplete and he can die of ailments affecting the head. Some astrologers do describe things like the King’s patronage, glory, happiness etc., but these are not in the domain of Mercury when it is alone. If mercury is the Eighth House and the Sun in the Seventh, Eighth or Ninth House, then its properties also affect the properties of Mercury.

Mercury in the Ninth House

Acharya and Gunakar: Dharme suthaartha sukhabhaak. He has children, wealth and happiness.

Kalyanavarma: Navamagate bhavati pumaanatidhanavidhyaayutaha shubhaachaaraha vaashishavarosatinipurnom dharmishtho somaputre hi. He is very wealthy, learned, virtuous, disciplined, a debater and gracious.

Vasishtha: Budho dharmakriyaasu niranta kurunjam. He is interested in works concerning religion. He suffers from many illnesses.

Garg: Mandabhaagyo budhe paape naro budhimadaanugaha. Bhaagyavaan dhaarmiko vaapi shubhe saumye tu dharmage. If Mercury is inauspicious, the person is not very fortunate and has much false pride in his own wits. If it is auspicious, the person is fortunate and religious.

Baidhyanath: Saumye dharmagate tu dharmadhanikaha shaastri shubhaachaaravaan. He is religious, wealthy, virtuous and lives according to the scriptures.

Brihadyavanajaatak: Budha upakritidhaataa chaaru jaataadaroyosanuchara dhanasupoo trairharshayukto veisheshaat. Vikritiyu tamanasko dharampunyaikanishttho hramritakiranajanmaa punyabhaave yadaa syaath. He is charitable, knowledgeable, good looking, has many servants, wealthy, peaceful, has good sons, religious, and forever involved in works that benefit the community. His mother dies when he is 28 and his good fortune begins at the age of 32.

Jayadeva: It is the same as Brihadyavanajaatak.

Narayanabhatt: Budhe dharmage dharmasheelosatidhiman. Bhaved deekshitaha swardghuneesnaanako va. Kuladhotakrid bhaanuvad bhoomipaalaat prataapaadhiko baadhako durmukhaa naam. He is religious, intelligent, seeks learning, bathes in the Ganges and generally brings prestige to the name of his clan. He has more fame than a king is victorious over all the evil men who oppose him.

Jeevanath: It is the same as Narayanabhatt.


Shanker Adawal

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