Mars & Mercury: Mars & Nadi Astrology, Chapter X, Part – 2


Dr. Shanker Adawal

There is a mythological story that once upon a time Saturn and Lord Yama were playing a ball and in spur of moment it so happened that Saturn kicked Lord Yama, and Lord Yama become lame. So, in a native horoscope, wherever there are mutual aspect of Mars and Saturn, such a native may suffer from physical handicap particularly in leg portion. Due to the reasons discussed above, it deduced in astrological terms that Mars and Saturn are inimical planets.

Mars as per Bhrigu Nadi System

The planet Mars comes out (takes his birth) bursting the earth and in Sanskrit version – “Dharani Garbha Sambhootham” and he is son of Goddess Bhoodevi (the son of Goddess Parvathi) – indicating Fire, Calcium, Egoism, including `Jataragni’ (the aspect of heat in intestinal portions) – Power, Spear.

Without power no work can be done, and without heat in the body, food cannot get digested, but excess of heat (egoism) invites troubles. He is also an indication of inimical aspect. In a small proportion Mars is essential for Mercury and Saturn but hot in excess.

While boiling rice of grains, it must be to done proper proportions, otherwise, when excess boiling takes place, the taste and food itself is destroyed. So, it is noticeable that Mars can feed power and taste to food, but should not be in excess.

Any person while discharging Karma, when excels the limits of egoism, loses his value and becomes a cause of trouble not only to himself, but also for others.

If we refer to History there are many examples where persons tried either to conquer or become the absolute rulers were either suppressed or killed, because of their over-egoism.

Even a person of extraordinary intelligence when excels in egoism becomes a criminal, thus becoming a cause of destruction to himself. Other wise he would have been a very useful to humanity and more so to himself. So, any native having excess egoism can well be traced out through birth chart.

As mentioned above, a man of power (extreme egoism) someday or other must come down, because, when natives who are aspected by Dragon-Head (Kaala Purusha) then such natives will certainly be swallowed by Dragon-Head thus causing elimination of egoism because Dragon-Head never fails to swallow. So, it can be observed, that any native who is under the strong influence of either Mercury or Dragon-Head will one day lose his egoism. Now let us discuss them through various cases while the native, either by fortune or misfortune suffers.

Mars in Capriorn is exalted and Jupiter in Cancer, Jupiter is also exalted who is aspecting Mars. Jupiter is life and Mars is power, Life + Power. When these two planets are exalted, in this connection, Mars is not only exalted, but also predominant and hence indicating such a native develops egoism to the extent of claiming “I am the great, I am the king, I am all in all, and what I say is correct”.

In females charts, native’s husband will be quick and short tempered an ardent independent type and after marriage, unless the native (she comes to terms extending her cooperation with her husband, the family happiness and its affair remains agonistic. She must try to be concordant/accommodative, then only family life will be smooth.

Common to both female/male charts: In this case one of native’s brother will have good administrative power, can work in managerial capacity efficiently.

Mars is exalted who is with Sun and these two planets are aspected by exalted Jupiter. Sun is the causative planet of father – Mars is the brother as well as strength of native – Jupiter is the life of the native. Therefore the native, being in rich family, aspires for movement in high circles (a prince, son of a minister or a prominent person), because of the prominence of the native’s father. Such a native will be short-tempered, besides being very proud. In female charts, husband will be a respectable person, with some political influences too reddish in colour, quite a fair looking person. The native (wife) can really have around her many of servants at her beck and call, wealth, life all comforts of life well found, but the interrelation between husband and wife will not be satisfactory because she will be in a sort of helpless condition (although on the surface she can boast that she is really happy) – but not in reality. Jupiter is Devaguru and Sun is enemy to Venus, because Sun rays can destroy burns the power of Venus and power of Semen both are lost.

Shanker Adawal

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