Mars & Mercury: Mars in Various Houses, Chapter III, Part – 27


Dr. Shanker Adawal

This is a good conjunction for doctors. They excel as surgeons or gynecologists. This was the case with Dr. Nadgir the late dean of the Grant medical College, Mumbai. He was born on 16-111880 at Dharwad.


He gained recognition as an orthopaedic surgeon. Since Mars was in the House of Profit he progressed rapidly and helped the poor and needy by treating them without charging a fee. He even set up a charitable hospital in Hubli. He choked to death in 1927.

This is a good conjunction for lawyers too. They succeed in court and get a lot of wealth. There is, however, a possibility that occasionally they could lose in important cases. They have a tendency to take money from both the prosecution and the defendant but this does not usually give them trouble. This conjunction is also good for engineers, turners, fitters, drivers, goldsmiths, carpenters and ironsmiths.

Mars in the House of Expenditure

Baidhyanath: Bhaume virodhi dhanadaarheenaha. A rebel, poor and has no woman.

Aryagranth: Paradhanaharencchuhu sarvadaa chanchalaakshashrachapalamatihaari haasyayuktaha prachandaha. Bhavati cha sukhabhaagi dwaadashasthe cha bhaume parayuvativilaasi saakshikaha karmapuraha. He wants to snatch money from others. His eyes are mischievous, his nature corrupt and he has a desire to travel. He is cheerful, of a hefty build, happy and one who has extra-marital affairs. He frequently appears in courts as a witness.

Jayadeva: Bandhanaatyayayutosalpahagbalo mitranutkumatimaan kujasantyage. Imprisonment, poverty which brings him to death, eye infections, cruelty, weak body and one who harasses his friends out of stupidity.

Mantreshwara: Nayanabikritaha kroorosadaaro vyaye pishunosdhamaha. He has eye infections, lacks women, is wicked, and unreligious.

Punjaraj: Bhoomiputre chet vyayasthaanasansthe dravya punsaam neeyate kshetriyastat. Ghaataha katayaam dakshavaame cha paade vaame karne lochane tatstriyaa va. Punyaadhikyaadalpakam tatrinaaryoho paapaadhikyaachaadikam vaa tadangam. Dagdham vaanchyam vanhinaa vaasayudhottham ghaatam yadaa sravanam deerghkaalam. Kujo vaa vyayasthithashrachenmanujasya noonam. Tadaa pitrivyo nidhanam prayaati pitrishvasaahatashta yuto na sandhini. He suffers losses because of theft and dacoity. His wife sustains an injury on her left side – could be in the eye, ear, foot or hand. If Mars is auspicious the wound heals and if not the wound festers. His father’s brother or sister’s husband die.

Acharya: Pititasturihi fehe. He is faithful to his wife.

Gunakar: It is the same as Acharya.

Kalyanavarma: Nayanavikaari patito jaayaghnaha suchkashracha. Dwaadashage paribhooto bandhanabhaak bhavati bhooputre. He has eye disease, is faithful, humiliated. He hurts his wife and has to go to jail.

Garg: Kopano bahukaamaaddyacho vyango dharmasya dooshakaha. He is angry, lustful, has no expenses, morally corrupt, and hates his won friends.

Brihadyavanajaatak: Swamitravairam nayanaatibaadhaa krodhaabhibhootim bikalatwamange. Bandhanamalpatwejo vyavasthabhaumo viddhati noonam. He quarrels with friends, suffers from infections in the eye, is very angry, has insufficient money for expenditure, suffers loss of wealth, spends time in jail and loses speed. At the age of 45 he loses all his wealth.

Jaageshwar: tathaa karnakanthe paraa raktapeedaa jane naiva maanyaha. He has aches in his ear, throat and body caused by blood disorders. People do not respect him.

Kashinath: Asadravyavi vyaye bhaume naastiko nishthuraha shataha. Bhauff videshi cha sada gachchati maanavaha. HeHe squanders his wealth, is an atheist, harsh, wicked, has many enemies and is constantly travelling abroad.

Shanker Adawal

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