Mars & Mercury: Mars in Various Houses, Chapter III, Part – 14


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Kumar Gandharva born on 8-4-1924 on a Tuesday afternoon at 3.45 p.m. at Sulegaon in the erstwhile state of Sangli:


Mars in the Fifth House and Rahu in the ascendant gave his a leaning towards singing. He had a perfect voice for singing and this brought him prestige. Since Rahu was in the fourth place from the Moon, he reaped the benefits of good deeds done in previous lives. His father was also a singer. Since Mars in the Fifth House augurs travel, there is much foreign travel. It is also good for doctors. They have to treat people with appendicitis, liver or spleen disorders or those who have tonsillitis as also those suffering from sexually transmitted diseases. Such doctors get fame because of the quality of their treatment. If Mars in the Fifth House of a lawyer he ends up having to deal with petty quarrels and abusive clients. If it is in a masculine sign the person has more dealings with men and if it is a feminine sign the majority of the person’s dealings are with women. The person has a two-faced nature and an excessive libido. Doctors in whose horoscopes Mars is in the Fifth Place are kind to poor and needy patients. Whether a doctor, or a lawyer, the person grasps his subject with ease. They are sweet spoken, friendly but arrogant. In this regard what Western Thought says is “they are enthusiastic, hard working, educated and willing to try”. This planet is symbolic of power, expansion and vitality. The person values his independence and cannot stand being incarcerated for even a minute. They are generous, brave and courageous. There is no lack of self-confidence in work and this helps them get great honour. They have to guard against false bravado and anger because this makes them reckless. They are arrogant, lose their temper easily and break the peace. They are capable of doing much work in a short duration and with a little bit of discipline they can excel in anything they choose.

Mars in the Sixth House

Parashar: Shrashte ripusamridhim ch jayam bandhusamaagamam arthavridhhim. He has many enemies but is victorious. He gets on well with his in laws but has no wealth.

Acharya: Balavaana shatrujitashracha shatruyaate. He is powerful, strong and one who wins over his enemies.

Gunakar: It is the same as Acharya. He is the lord and makes his servants work. He cannot work on his own.

Baidhyanath: Swami ripukshayakaraha probalodaraagnihi. Shreemaanya shobalayutosvanije ripusthe. Powerful, one who destroys his enemies, wealthy and prestigious. He has a large appetites.

Kalyanavarma: Prabalamadanodaraaginihi sushareero jaayate bali shashte rudhire sambhavati naraha swabandhuvijayati pradhaanashcha. He is lustful, has a large appetite, good looking and one who wins over his relatives.

Aryagranthakar: Ripugrihagatabhaume sangare mrityubhaagi sutadhanaparipoornastungage saukhyabhaagi ripuganaparidushte neechage kshoniputre bhavati vikalamurtihi kutsitaha kroorakarma. Though the usage of the phrase “death in his destiny” is used in the context of battle but this is overall quite debatable. He has wealth and sons. If Mars is exalted the person is happy and if not he is weak, shamed and cruel.

sti � n ݭ � If it is in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, his education relates to Army, police, forestry, engineering, aeronautical sciences, driving, technology etc. In Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn the person’s education relates to surveys, geology, overseeing, tailoring etc. In Gemini, Libra or Aquarius the person’s career and studies are in the direction of medicine, medical practice, defence law etc. In Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces it is surgery, history but with an honours degree. Mars in the Fifth House signifies prestige. Mr. Bhate Buva and the late Dadasaheb Khaparde are people whose horoscopes are perfect examples of mars in the Fifth House. Their manner is businesslike and their attitude friendly. Marriage occurs late in life. Their voices are sweet but effeminate. In the horoscope of J N Joshi, a renowned singer of a firm called “His Master’s Voice” Mars was in the Fifth House in Capricorn, He was married late to a woman from a different caste. In this situation, those who take bribes are caught early. They are well-dressed people who are well versed in skills required in the bedroom. They do not have difficulty in pleasing women. They are dominated by a desire to succeed and be honoured. They tend to squander money and can be debauched. Now see an example of a man in whose horoscope a melodious voice came built in.


Shanker Adawal

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