Mars & Mercury: Mars and Venus in Marriage, Chapter V, Part 4


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Lord of the 7th Mars is in the 11th in combination with Rahu both in the constellations of Venus and aspected by Saturn posited in the constellation of Rohini. Venus Kalatrakara in his turn is much afflicted by association with Ketu, situated in the constellation of Rahu and aspected by Mars. Both the lords of the 7th and Venus have been much afflicted. The nature married the daughter of a highly placed and respected officer. Before marriage the girl’s father had been advised to reject the boy as the girl’s married life would not only suffer from untold misery, as the native could become a debauchee but she could be even rejected. The marriage took place. And to the amazement of the wife, she found that her husband was leading a profligate life and never loved her. All her attempts to wean him away from his evil ways failed, and from sheer disgust, the lady returned to her parent’s house. The sensual life led by the native resulted in his contacting dreadful venereal complaints.




Ket Ven


Rah Mar

Ascdt Mandi







Sat Ven





One cannot decide the make-up of a person-boy or girl-merely on the basis of the Moon’s situation, though one can glean a few psychological facts. It is the total assessment of each horoscope that is to be considered before applying the tests for mutual compatibility.

In a number of charts of husbands and wives we have studied, the following peculiarities have been found.

When Venus, Mars and Jupiter in one horoscope is situated in the other horoscope in a trine or 3 and 11 positions, that is, if in the husband’s horoscope in a trine or 3 and 11 positions, that is, if in the husband’s horoscope, Venus is in Taurus and in the wife’s horoscope, in Cancer or Virgo, it is a favourable position. When the Sun and the Moon have similar harmonious positions, except 2 and 12 (dwirdwadasa), there is usually a strong attachment. Here again if the husband’s Sun is in Cancer and

the wife’s in Virgo, the needed harmony exists. When the Sun and the Moon are disposed as suggested above but Mars in one case is in a sign which happens to be the 12th from Venus in the other horoscope, attachment exists, but there cannot be normal happiness in their private lives. If Venus in one horoscope is in a sign occupied by Saturn in the other a serious and industrious partner is indicated. Mars in the 7th, unaspected by benefics, indicates frequent quarrels leading to misunderstandings. Saturn in the 8th aspected by Mars (especially 4th or 8th house aspect), is not conducive to mutual understandings. Saturn in the 7th confers stability in the marriage but the husband or the wife manifests coldness and no warmth. A strong malefic in the 4th affects married happiness unless neutralized by a benefic aspect. If the Janma Rasi of the wife (or husband) happens to be the Lagna of the husband (or wife), or if the Lagna of the wife (or husband) happens to be the 7th (in the horoscope from the position of the lord of the 7th (in the other) the married life will be stable and build on mutual understanding and affection.

When certain afflictions are present in one horoscope about the bride’s (or bridegroom’s) character, health, general mental soundness, the agreement between the two horoscopes is to be judged.

After satisfying on the basis of the birth horoscope about the bride’s (or bridegroom’s) character, health, general mental soundness, the agreement between the two horoscopes is to be judged.

Shanker Adawal

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